Town of Newbury
Public Safety Complex Committee
DATE: November 6, 2013 Approved as written, 12/4/2013
Present: Tracy Blais, Keith Grant, Sam Joslin, John Lucey, Jr., Eric Svahn, Martha Taylor, Curtis Walton (part-time)
Absent: Rob Serino
Guests: Tom Denman, Ed Donnelly, Mike Doyle
Martha Taylor, Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m.
GOAL: To design and build a public safety complex for the Town of Newbury that will house the Newbury Police Department, Newbury Fire/Protection 2 and Emergency Management with space and resources to accommodate both agencies’ needs for the next 50 years while renovating the existing Town Hall building to better accommodate Town Hall services.
1. Deficiency Report
2. Site Feasibility Report
3. Design Phase
4. Construction & Renovation Phases
Motion: A motion was made by S. Joslin and seconded by K. Grant to approve the minutes of October 30, 2013 as written. The motion passed with five in favor (Blais, Grant, Joslin, Lucey, Taylor,) and one abstention (Svahn, who was not present at that meeting). C. Walton arrived after approval of the minutes.
- Project Approval: At their November 4 meeting, the members of Protection #2 voted to move forward with the project and to appoint Tom Denman to negotiate on behalf of the Company. Negotiations will start on November 27. Factors that will be considered in the negotiations are the Company’s debt service and responsibility for environmental clean-up, if needed, and/or purchase of an environmental insurance policy. All Fire Company concerns are to be addressed to Tom.
- Property Survey/Existing Site Conditions: ArcSEA has provided the updated site plan showing the wetlands delineation, topography, etc. CSS will put the footprint on the site plan.
- Draft Building Assessment Report/Conceptual Plans: CSS is preparing the final draft of the report incorporating the additional information that was provided by the Town. The target date for completion is November 25.
The Committee talked about next steps and how to present the report and the recommendation of this site as the preferred location over the other sites that were considered by the Public Safety Site Selection Committee.
- Project Costs/Budget: K. Grant asked for clarification on whether the Fire Company will be expected to provide its own furnishings and equipment for the new building. S. Joslin and T. Blais confirmed that this will be a turnkey operation – the Company should assume that everything will be new except for any specialty items that can be reused and will be brought over. The list of FF & E (Furnishings, Fixtures, and Equipment) from the Fire and Police Departments should reflect what is needed for each space. To aid in developing the list, E. Svahn will put together a spreadsheet template that can be used by both departments.
- Project Outreach: Jen Solis will focus her first newspaper article on the history of the Fire Department and Police Department. S. Joslin has gathered some information regarding the history of the buildings which he will pass on to her.
A contact person for the press will need to be established for each department.
- Finance Committee: E. Svahn reported on a meeting he had with Frank Remley and Bob Connors of the Finance Committee. It was agreed that the PSCC should meet with the Finance Committee and the Capital Planning Committee after the CSS report is complete.
On a motion made by S. Joslin and seconded by J. Lucey, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15.
NEXT MEETING December 4, 2013, 8:15 A.M.
Fire Hall
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Taylor
Town Planner