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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 2012-09-05
Meeting Minutes 
Planning Board  
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Newbury Town Hall

Members Present:   Kathleen Pearson, Chair; John O’Connell; John Weis
Members Absent:     Linda McCamic; David Powell
Staff Present:            Martha Taylor, Town Planner

Chairman Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

A.      Meeting Minutes:

Motion:  A motion was made by J. O’Connell and seconded by J. Weis to approve the minutes of August 1, 2012 as written.  The motion passed unanimously.

B.      Site Plan Review Application – 101 Newburyport Turnpike:

Mr. Angelo Ciardiello of ERA Equipment, along with his engineer, Alan Roscoe of Hancock Associates, was present to answer questions from the Board regarding the uses he is proposing for the property at 101 Newburyport Turnpike.  Mr. Ciardiello said that the property will be the headquarters for his site contracting business.  The proposed building, to be faced with masonry on two sides, will have five bays, one for office functions and four for vehicle/heavy equipment storage; some of the vehicle bays may be rented out at some point.  Materials such as stone, mulch, etc., will be stored outside in cribs.  There will be parking on the site for staff vehicles and for trucks related to the business.  Access to the cell tower will be maintained.  The project will be discussed in more detail at the public hearing scheduled for September 19, 2012.

C.      #21 Main Street/Olde Barn Lane Subdivision:

Heidi Anderson Tucker appeared before the Board to ask what needs to be done in order for her to sell Lot 3 shown on the Definitive Plan of Land for the #21 Main Street Subdivision, dated August 18, 1986, prepared by Port Engineering Associates, Inc., for Bennett S. and Geraldine Slotnick.  The Plan contains a covenant stating that “No occupancy certificate shall be issued for Lot #3, as shown hereon, until such time as the driveway has been constructed as noted hereon & a release of this covenant has been issued by the Town of Newbury, MA, Planning Board.”  Ms. Tucker noted that there is a gravel road and a circle with a gravel surface, as shown on the plan.  The road is privately maintained.  The Board members agreed that a site walk should be held to look at the existing conditions; date and time are to be determined.

D.      24-28 Rolfes Lane/Wilshire Road:

Mark DePiero, Steve Sawyer of Design Consultants, Inc., Mark Griffin, attorney, and Jack Tremblay, landscape architect, appeared before the Board regarding the 24-28 Rolfes Lane/Wilshire Road Subdivision.

a.      Storm Drain System:  S. Sawyer said that the arborist has stated that the rain gardens originally proposed for the project will not be beneficial for the beech tree and has recommended that they be deleted.  A redesign of the storm drain system was submitted for review but is now being redone to address initial comments.  The revised redesign will be submitted for review for the next meeting.

b.      Landscaping:  J. Tremblay informed the Board that the beech tree is doing very well.  The new design for the small open space area will be very simple, with a manicured lawn and a small water feature at the center.  A separate irrigation system will be provided for the beech tree.

c.      Draft Conservation Restriction and Homeowners’ Trust:  These documents will be reviewed at the next meeting.

d.      Request for Release of Lot 7:  M. DePiero has submitted a letter dated August 17, 2012 to the Board requesting that Lot 7 be released now that the stone wall has been completed.  Cost of the wall was $28,000.00.

Motion:  A motion was made by J. Weis and seconded by J. O’Connell to release Lot 7 from the Restrictive Covenant dated November 29, 2011 for the Wilshire Road (24-28 Rolfes Lane) Subdivision, per Mark DePiero’s written request dated August 17, 2012.  The motion passed unanimously.

E.      Caldwell Farm Trail:

Dina Sullivan, School Committee Member, and Joe Colbert, Triton Cross Country and Track Coach, appeared before the Board to inquire about the steps needed to move forward with a public trail within the designated trail easement at the Caldwell Farm Subdivision, as included in the Definitive Subdivision Plan approval.  One end result will be to provide a safe off-road route for student runners between Triton and the Governor’s Academy.  Ms. Sullivan noted that Chief Reilly has expressed his support, as have the two schools.  The Planning Board members expressed their support as well.  Best next steps need to be determined.

F.      Associate Planning Board Seat:

At the request of the Selectmen, the Planning Board solicited additional candidates for the open Associate Member position.  Three residents, Mike Doyle, Eric Svahn, and Don Delorey, submitted letters of interest.  All three were present to meet with the Board and answer questions about their relevant experience and interest in working with the Board.  George Morse was also present to express his continued interest in the position.  The Board will review the applicants at the next meeting, when all members will be present.

G.      Parking at Town Landing/Lower Green:

Selectman Bulgaris discussed issues that have been raised regarding the lack of parking at the Town Landing and overflow cars parking on the Lower Green under the trees.

H.      Proposed Zoning Amendments for Fall Town Meeting:

M. Taylor will prepare handouts for the September 19 public hearing on the proposed zoning amendments.

I.      Review Engineer for 101 Newburyport Turnpike Site Plan Review Application:

Motion:  A motion was made by J. Weis and seconded by J. O’Connell to authorize Joseph Serwatka to proceed with engineering peer review for the 101 Newburyport Turnpike Site Plan Review application.  The motion passed unanimously.

On a motion made by J. Weis and seconded by J. O’Connell, the meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Taylor
Town Planner