Meeting Minutes
Planning Board
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Newbury Library
Members Present: Kathleen Pearson, Chair; John O’Connell; David Powell; John Weis
Members Absent: Linda McCamic; Arthur Costonis (Associate Member)
Staff Present: Martha Taylor, Town Planner
Chairman Pearson called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
A. Zoning Amendments for Town Meeting:
The Board continued review of the proposed zoning amendments in preparation for the public hearing and Town Meeting.
1. Minor revisions to the new Accessory Apartment By-Law were approved.
2. Format for the revised Article III – Regulations of Use Districts was approved.
3. Uses in the Master Table of Use Regulations were reviewed and some revisions were made.
4. The Board members agreed not to move forward at this time with the proposed boundary changes to the Business and Light Industrial District for the May 2012 Annual Town Meeting.
Motion: A motion was made by J. O’Connell and seconded by J. Weis to have the Planning Board withdraw its recommendation that boundary changes to the Business and Light Industrial District be included on the Warrant for the May 2012 Annual Town Meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
5. The Board voted to authorize M. Taylor to work with the Conservation Agent and Building Inspector to finalize revisions to the Flood Zone Overlay District regulations.
Motion: A motion was made by D. Powell and seconded by J. O’Connell to authorize M. Taylor to work with the Town’s Conservation Agent and Building Inspector to finalize revisions to the Flood Zone Overlay District to ensure that it is in compliance with FEMA’s regulations. The motion passed unanimously.
On a motion made by J. O’Connell and seconded by J. Weis, the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martha Taylor
Town Planner