Meeting Minutes Approved as written, 7/17/2013
Planning Board
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Newbury Town Hall
Members Present: Kathleen Pearson, Chair; Linda McCamic; John O’Connell; David Powell; John Weis; George Morse (Associate Member)
Staff Present: Martha Taylor, Town Planner
Kathleen Pearson, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
- Election of Officers and Representatives:
Motion: A motion was made by J. O’Connell and seconded by L. McCamic to elect John Weis as Chair of the Planning Board and to elect Kathleen Pearson as Vice-Chair. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: A motion was made by K. Pearson and seconded by L. McCamic to elect John O’Connell as Clerk of the Planning Board. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: A motion was made by J. Weis and seconded by L. McCamic to recommend that the Selectmen re-appoint John O’Connell as the Planning Board member of the Conservation Commission. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: A motion was made by J. O’Connell and seconded by L. McCamic to re-appoint David Powell as Newbury’s Commissioner to the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: A motion was made by J. O’Connell and seconded by L. McCamic to recommend that the Selectmen re-appoint Martha Taylor as Newbury’s Alternate MVPC Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion: A motion was made by J. O’Connell and seconded by L. McCamic to recommend that the Selectmen re-appoint George Morse as Associate Planning Board member.
Motion: A motion was made by J. O’Connell and seconded by D. Powell that the Selectmen re-appoint Linda McCamic as the Planning Board’s representative to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
The Board agreed not to hold a meeting on July 3, 2013. The only meeting in July will be on July 17, 2013.
- Stormwater Rules and Regulations and Subdivision Rules and Regulations:
- Review of Revisions: Discussion focused on who should review the revised Stormwater Rules and Regulations and at what point that review should be done, before or after the new EPA General Permit is issued. J. O’Connell noted that the revisions are generic, good practice procedures that should be included in the document and are not tailored specifically to the EPA requirements.
Motion: A motion was made by D. Powell and seconded by L. McCamic that M. Taylor, K. Pearson, and J. O’Connell develop a letter requesting a letter of interest and qualifications from at least two engineers for review of the revised Stormwater Rules and Regulations. The motion passed with four in favor (Pearson, McCamic, Weis, and Powell) and one opposed (O’Connell).
(Due to other obligations, K. Pearson excused herself from the meeting at this time.)
- Revenue Sources for Stormwater Retrofits: J. O’Connell reported on conversations he has had with the Town Administrator and Town Counsel regarding ways in which to generate income to fund required stormwater management system retrofits. No appropriate funding mechanism has been identified to date and this is to be explored further.
D. Powell, M. Taylor, and K. Pearson provided updates on the efforts to develop the public walking trail on the Caldwell Farm grounds. It was agreed that it would be most appropriate to invite representatives of the Caldwell Farm Condominium Association to meet with the Planning Board. M. Taylor and J. Weis will follow up.
- Zoning Amendments for the Fall 2013 Special Town Meeting:
The Board discussed potential zoning changes to be proposed at the Fall 2013 Special Town Meeting, in particular revisions to the existing Site Plan Review By-Law.
Motion: A motion was made to approve the meeting minutes of March 20, 2013 as amended and the minutes of April 3, 2013 and April 17, 2013 as written. The motion passed unanimously, with all four members present voting in favor.
On a motion made by L. McCamic and seconded by D. Powell, the meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martha Taylor
Town Planner