Meeting Minutes Approved as written, 2/19/2014
Planning Board
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Newbury Town Hall
Members Present: John Weis, Chair; Kathleen Pearson; John O’Connell; David Powell; George Morse (Associate Member)
Members Absent: Linda McCamic
Staff Present: Martha Taylor, Town Planner
John Weis, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by D. Powell and seconded by J. O’Connell to approve the meeting minutes of January 8, 2014 as written. The motion passed unanimously.
- 101 Newburyport Turnpike:
J. O’Connell reported that Alan Roscoe is no longer with Hancock and another engineer has been assigned to the project. Doug Packer is giving him some time to get up to speed before submitting the schedule for remedial work to be done. In the meantime, the felled trees and stored wood have largely been removed from the site and work on repairs to the siltation fence has been started. Removal of the RAP is on hold until the ground is no longer frozen. Mr. Ciardiello has informed D. Packer that he will use a hoe ram for ledge removal rather than blasting.
- Revised Stormwater Rules and Regulations:
The Board reviewed comments from the Board’s consultant, Joe Serwatka, on the draft revisions to the Stormwater Rules and Regulations. J. O’Connell will follow up with Doug Packer regarding the suggestion that silt socks be allowed in some locations in lieu of silt fences and will follow up with Mr. Serwatka regarding his suggestion that the Planning Board remain the Stormwater Permit Granting Authority. The question of whether the Town can charge fees related to stormwater work still needs to be resolved.
- Revised Subdivision Rules and Regulations:
An updated draft is pending. It was noted that the roadway cross section and the table of roadway lengths, widths, etc., should be in sync with each other; J. O’Connell has been addressing discrepancies.
J. Weis reported that he and M. Taylor met with four members of the Caldwell Farm Board, plus the property manager. The discussion was very productive and it was agreed that the next step will be for the CF Board members, Planning Board members, and others as appropriate to take a walk on the property in early April to see if a trail can be laid out that meets the intent of the Trail Easement and addresses the residents’ concerns about security and proximity of the trail to their homes. D. Powell suggested that it might be better to walk the site in March. J. Weis will pass this suggestion on to the Caldwell Farm Board.
- Zoning for 2014 Annual Town Meeting:
- Schedule: M. Taylor presented a schedule for the zoning amendments based on a Town Meeting date of May 20, 2014. The target date for the Planning Board to vote to refer the proposed zoning amendments to the Selectmen will be March 5 and the target date for the public hearing will be April 16, 2014.
- Medical Marijuana By-Law: John Weis reported on the Medical Marijuana By-Law Subcommittee’s trip to Portland, ME, to meet with a City Councilor who was instrumental in developing the city’s medical marijuana by-law and with the director of a medical marijuana dispensary. He also reported on the Subcommittee’s preparations for the workshop to be held January 25 on Zoning for Medical Marijuana.
- Revised Site Plan Review By-Law: The Board discussed comments from George Morse on the updated draft of the revised by-law and reviewed a draft revision of the separate Site Plan Review Submission Requirements and Procedures. The Board members agreed that filing fees, as well as consultant fees, should be different for Level I and Level II applications.
J. Weis will give a brief report on the proposed zoning amendments to the Selectmen at their next meeting.
The Master Plan Subcommittee will continue its review of the Master Plan on Tuesday, January 28, 2014.
- February Meeting Schedule:
The Board agreed to cancel the meeting of February 5. The first meeting in February will be held on the 19th and a second meeting will be scheduled for the 26th if needed.
On a motion made by J. O’Connell and seconded by D. Powell, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martha Taylor
Town Planner