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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 2013-12-04
Meeting Minutes Approved as written, 12/18/2013
Planning Board  
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Newbury Town Hall

Members Present:        John Weis, Chair; Linda McCamic; John O’Connell; David Powell; George Morse (Associate Member)
Members Absent: Kathleen Pearson
Staff Present:  Martha Taylor, Town Planner

John Weis, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

  • Meeting Minutes:
Motion:  A motion was made by L. McCamic and seconded by D. Powell to approve the meeting minutes of November 20, 2013 as written.  The motion passed unanimously.

  • 101 Newburyport Turnpike:
J. O’Connell reported that nothing on the site has been improved; it appears in fact that a small amount of new material has been deposited.  The Conservation Commission has not yet received a response to D. Packer’s letter; S. Noyes in the Con. Comm. office is following up.

  • Revised Subdivision Rules and Regulations:
J. O’Connell is to advise the Board on which sections of the revised draft should be looked at most critically.

  • Revised Stormwater Rules and Regulations:
M. Taylor has incorporated edits and is to talk with Town Counsel about coordination of approvals for the revised Stormwater Rules and Regulations and the change needed to the Stormwater By-Law to designate the Conservation Commission as the stormwater permit granting authority.

  • Medical Marijuana By-Law:
The Medical Marijuana By-Law Subcommittee members reported that they held a first meeting to discuss possible parameters for a By-Law.  One of the major questions is whether to create an overlay district or to allow this use by special permit in a given zoning district.  The Board discussed holding a public workshop in January to discuss the law, the existing moratorium, the Dept. of Public Health Regulations, and how other communities have addressed this use in their by-laws so far.  The Subcommittee hopes to tour an existing facility in Maine to get a sense of how location, operations, security, etc., are dealt with.

  • Revised Site Plan Review By-Law:
The Board discussed the draft revisions to the Site Plan Review By-Law.  Questions were raised about the proposed two-tier review and approval process.  The draft revisions will be reviewed further at the next meeting.

On a motion made by J. O’Connell and seconded by L. McCamic, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Taylor
Town Planner