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Planning Board Public Hearing Notice, Site Plan Rev., Triton Stadium - 04/01/2015
Town of Newbury
Planning Board
Public Hearing Notice

Residents of the Town of Newbury and other interested persons please note that on Wednesday, April 1, 2015, at 7:15 p.m. at the Newbury Town Hall, 25 High Road, Newbury, MA, the Newbury Planning Board will hold a public hearing for Site Plan Review Approval for redevelopment of Triton High School’s stadium facility, to include a new running track, synthetic turf field, amenities building, grandstand with press-box, and upgrades to the existing athletic lighting, on the property at 112 Elm Street, Byfield, Map R17, Parcel 18, as shown on the plans entitled “Triton Regional High School Track and Field Redevelopment, 112 Elm Street, Byfield, MA," dated February 25, 2015, and described in the Site Plan Review application, dated March 3, 2015, and supporting documents as prepared by Gale Associates, Inc., for the Triton Regional School District.  The Application is on file for review during regular business hours with the Town Clerk and in the Planning Office, 25 High Road, Newbury, MA.  For more information contact the Planning Office at 978-465-0862, ext. 312.  All persons interested or wishing to be heard relative to the proposed development should appear at the time and place designated above.

John Weis, Chair
Newbury Planning Board