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Human Resources/Personnel Board Minutes 02/22/2016
Subject:     Minutes of Meeting Held on Monday, February 22, 2016

Present:    Diane Doyle, Mark Gleckman, Steve Salvo, Rick Harris, John Lucey

Excused:   John Wilkinson

Convened: 7:03 PM at Town Hall

  • Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Mark Gleckman at 7:03 PM.

  • Minutes of Prior Meeting(s):  Motion was made to approve the minutes of the November 23, 2015 meeting.  The motion was made by Steve Salvo and seconded by John Lucey.
  • Employee Issues:  Previously, the Human Resource Board had been asked to assist in a review of the IT function of the Town.  It was agreed in November 2015 that the Town Administrator would meet with the person serving as the IT Administrator to discuss concerns or changes to the position.  John Lucey inquired as to the status of this and agreed to get an update from the Town Administrator for the next meeting.
  • Personnel Actions and Job Vacancies: The position of COA Director has been filled with Margaret Malley, which leaves the Community Relations Coordinator role open and currently being advertised.
Other follow up:  Mark Gleckman agreed to get an update from the Town Administrator on other pending job reclassifications for the Highway/DPW Director, Building Inspector and the IT Administrator.
  • Special Business:  None
  • Discrimination/Ethics Issues:  None
  • Safety Issues:  It was reported that the town parking lot is very dark at night and there is a concern for people falling on the stairs.  Diane Doyle agreed to look into getting the street light turned on towards the parking lot.
Also, John Lucey reported on an incident at the Police Department where there was an arrest being brought in for processing at the same time a civilian was in the PD lobby.  The civilian had to leave the lobby which was extremely disruptive and dysfunctional.

  • Other Business:   Steve Salvo inquired into the Town of Newbury’s ACA Compliance Process.  The Town is required to issue 1095B/1095C forms to its employees to ensure compliance with the Federal Affordable Care Act requirements.  Diane Doyle reported that this is being completed by the Office of the Treasurer and that the Town has determined all employees that are required to be offered insurance under ACA have been.  The Town will also be adopting a 12 month Lookback Period for eligibility determination.
The Board also discussed a request for an unpaid Leave of Absence for one of the Board of Health employees.  While the employee is not covered under FMLA, the Board of Health has agreed to the Leave of Absence.  It was recommended that the Town Administrator approve the request for a period of 90 days to be reevaluated based on the needs of the Department.

  • Next Meeting:  The next meeting of the Human Resource Board will be held on Monday, March 28, 2016 at 7:00 at Town Hall.  
  • A motion was made by John Lucey and seconded by Steve Salvo to adjourn at 7:46.
Adjourned:      Approximately 7:46 PM                   Scribe: Diane M. Doyle