Subject: Minutes of Meeting Held on Monday, November 23, 2015
Present: Diane Doyle, Mark Gleckman, Steve Salvo, Rick Harris, John Lucey
Excused: John Wilkinson
Convened: 7:01 PM at Town Hall
The meeting was called to order by Mark Gleckman at 7:01 PM.
- Minutes of Prior Meeting(s): Motion was made to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2015 meeting. The motion was made by John Lucey and seconded by Steve Salvo.
- Employee Issues: John Lucey brought to the Board a request that a job be re-evaluated. Susan Noyes is the Administrative Assistant Building/Conservation. This role has been expanded to a full time permanent position. In her previous part time position, Assistant Town Clerk, she also served as the IT Administrator. Susan has asked that the IT function be reviewed as she is still serving in that capacity. It was agreed that the Town Administrator would meet with Susan in the next few weeks to discuss her concerns.
- Personnel Actions and Job Vacancies: The Town Administrator reviewed an organizational change which transferred the Facilities Management role from the Building Inspector to the DPW Director function. Sam Joslin, has reduced his hours to a part time status, and serves only as the Building Inspector. James Sarette, has assumed the facilities responsibility in his new role as the DPW Director. As these changes are permanent to the position, it was agreed that the Job Description be revised and re-classified.
Other job related changes include: New part time librarian, Marcia Jansson and DPW Laborer, Jason Abram. The Council on Aging Director position will be open with the retirement of Martie Joe-Smith.
- Special Business: None
- Discrimination/Ethics Issues: None
- Safety Issues: There have some improvements to the air quality in the Police Department. While there are still concerns, there has been some temporary relief to the dire conditions.
- Other Business: None
- Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Human Resource Board will be held on Monday, December 28, 2015 at 7:00 at Town Hall. In the event that meeting is not held, there will be a meeting held on January 25, 2016.
- A motion was made by Rick Harris and seconded by Steve Salvo to adjourn at 7:57.
Adjourned: Approximately 7:57 PM
Scribe: Diane M. Doyle
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