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Personnel Board Meeting Minutes 3-25-2013
Subject:        Minutes of Meeting Held on Monday, March 25, 2013

Present:        Diane Doyle, Steve Salvo, John Wilkinson, Rick Harris, Mark Gleckman, John Lucey

Excused:           Evie Sutter

Convened:       7:07 PM at Town Hall

  • Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by John Wilkinson at 7:07 PM.

  • Minutes of Prior Meeting:  Minutes of the meeting held on February 25, 2013 were presented and reviewed.  A motion was made by Rick Harris and seconded by Diane Doyle to accept the minutes.  A vote was taken and the minutes were unanimously approved.
  • Report on Employee Issues:  None
  • Personnel Action and Job Vacancies:  There were no personnel action forms presented and no current job vacancies. There are two pending job vacancies which will be reviewed under the Job Evaluations agenda item. John Wilkinson provided an update on a matter presented to the Board from an employee.  Since the matter involves a direct supervisor to the employee, a letter clarifying that the employee is skipping Step 2 in the formal grievance process was received and noted.  The Chairman of the Personnel Board and the Town Administrator have agreed to meet with the employee and his/her representative, separate and apart from the grievance process, in an attempt to resolve the matter.  It was noted that the employee is allowed a representative in the formal grievance process and will be allowed to bring a representative to the informal meeting only in a support capacity and will be duly noted.
  • Job Evaluations:  Principal Assessor and Assessor Clerk:  Two newly created positions were presented to the Board for approval and classification rating.  The Board was led through the process of rating the jobs in accordance with the 10 factors, appropriate rating and point calculations. The Assessor Clerk position was approved at a rating of 14.2. The range of pay was between $13.67 and $21.87 per hour. Any internal candidate selected to fill the position whose salary is in excess of the range will have their salary “frozen” and will not be subject to any future pay increases.  The Principal Assessor position was approved at a rating of 18.  It was suggested that in order to determine whether it is an 18.1, 18.2 or 18.3, that Diane Doyle obtain some external salary information from MMPA to make a final determination on the pay scale. Job descriptions were reviewed for both positions and minor changes were suggested to make the language consistent.  The Town Administrator will be conducting a review of all job descriptions and will report back to the Personnel Board at the end of the summer.  Lastly, it was also requested that the pay ranges for all positions be updated based on the aging, or 2% increase, received in 2012.
  • Employee Handbook/Personnel Manual:  Final revisions to the Employee Handbook have been made by Diane Doyle. Evie Sutter will be making bound copies for distribution at our May Manger’s Meeting. A recommendation was made to electronically distribute the Employee Handbook and the Manager’s Handbook ahead of the May meeting.  Diane Doyle will forward electronically to the Manager’s and direct that they be forwarded to staff.  Current employees will have to sign and return a receipt acknowledging that they have received it. It was also suggested that the Employee Handbook be put on the Town of Newbury Website.  Diane Doyle will coordinate with Susan Noyes. New employees will receive a copy of the Employee Handbook as part of the new hire package currently being finalized.
  • Safety Issues
No safety issues were noted.

  • Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Personnel Board will be held on Monday, April 22, 2013 at 7 PM at Town Hall.  

  • Adjournment
A motion was made by Rick Harris and seconded by Mark Gleckman to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Adjourned:      Approximately 8:46 PM                                   
Scribe:         Diane M. Doyle