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Personnel Board Meeting Minutes 1-27-2014
Subject:        Minutes of Meeting Held on January 27, 2014

Present:        Diane Doyle, John Wilkinson, Evie Sutter, Rick Harris, John Lucey, Mark Gleckman

Excused:           Steve Salvo

Convened:       7:00 PM at Town Hall

  • Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by John Wilkinson at 7:05 PM.

  • Minutes of Prior Meeting:
Mark Gleckman moved to have the minutes of the November 25, 2013 meeting approved.  The motion was seconded by Diane Doyle, voted and approved unanimously by the full board.   

  • Report on Employee Issues:

  • Shellfish Constable Job Description Review:   
Per Tracy Blais and at the request of Town Selectmen, the role of the Shellfish Constable has been changed and accordingly a new formalized job description needs to be created to reflect the increased hours and responsibilities of the position. A draft of the position was submitted at the meeting but it has not yet been rated and questions remain on the position. The position falls under the Police department.  The job description will be finalized and provided to the classification committee for rating.

  • Personnel Actions and Job Vacancies: None.
  • On Call Firefighters: None
  • MMPA Salary update: Some salaries are out of date and don’t reflect the size of the Town.  MMPA data is being updated.
  • Sexual Harassment/Discrimination policy Update: No longer applicable--done.  
  • Vacation Policy:  No longer applicable—done.
  • Safety Issues:  None
  • Discussion Item: FY 15 Goals, Employee Development Plans & Succession Planning:
Should the Personnel Board have a work plan?  Then we would have a list of goals to look to, to check progress, tackle projects, etc. A work plan would remind us of short-term and long-term goals and projects, giving us direction even though our priorities fluctuate given the nature of human resources. Things we could track of include creating formal performance evaluations, continuing to finalize job descriptions,training, processing merits and doing compensation actions prior to the June Town meeting, among other things as needed by the Town.
All PB members present weighed in and it is was decided to move forward to develop a work plan so for the February meeting, we should plan to stay an extra hour to develop the plan. We will review the Bylaws for guidance and should come prepared with ideas. Diane Doyle will resend the Bylaws for all to review.  

  • Next Meeting:  The next meeting of the Personnel Board will be held on Monday, February 24, 2014 at 7PM at Town Hall.  
  • Adjournment: A motion was made by John Lucey and seconded by Mark Gleckman to adjourn.
Adjourned:      Approximately 8:07 PM                                   
Scribe:         Evie Sutter