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Municipal Building Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-11-13
Town of Newbury
Municipal Building Committee


DATE:   November 13, 2014       Approved as written, 1/6/2015

Present:        Eric Svahn, Chair; Tracy Blais; Steve Fram; John Lucey, Jr.; Sam Joslin
Absent: Mike Doyle; Richard Ronder; Martha Taylor
Guests: Chuck Bear, Selectman

Eric Svahn, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.

  • Moment of Silence:
A moment of silence was observed in honor of Selectman David Mountain.

  • Workshop Preparations:
E. Svahn provided an overview of the format of the workshop to be held on November 22nd.  The Chairman will make a brief presentation and all will be invited to tour the facilities.  The committee discussed the various items to be included in the presentation.

John Lucey will design the flyer that will be printed and placed at the post office, library, on the website and other locations around town.  He will also put the documents on the television in the hall for viewing during the workshop.

Erica Jacobsen will contact Triton to send out a meeting notification.
  • Next Steps:
  • E. Svahn will map all potential sites identified to date.  
  • Chief Reilly will follow up with Police Chiefs from other communities regarding facility comparisons.  
  • Deputy Chief Lucey will prepare a written response to the inquiries made by resident Paul Daubitz.
  • S. Fram will gather information from Newburyport on the cost of a package treatment facility and the amount of acres required.
  • T. Blais will inquire about rental space; Protection 2, Byfield Grange Building; Newburyport Industrial Park
On a motion made by S. Fram, seconded by J. Lucey, the meeting was adjourned.

Thursday, December 4, 2014, 7:00 a.m., Town Hall

Respectfully submitted,

Tracy Blais, Town Administrator
MBC (Acting) Secretary