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Media Committee Meeting Summary 4-2-2014
Media Committee Meeting Minutes April 2, 2014

Attendance.  Dave Mountain,  Richard Hendrickson, Paul Daubitz, Alicia Greco, Consultant Caleb Noble

7:05PM call to order by Richard

Dave moved, Paul seconded to approve the March,  2014  meeting minutes, Unanimous

Caleb reported on his activities.  Received quotes for cameras and supporting electronic equipment.  Taped selectmen’s meeting with state.

Alicia  motioned, Paul seconded to purchase electronic equipment from AccessAV of Concord, MA not to exceed $6500.00    Unanimous

The Committee will support a summer program for High School Students

David moved, Alicia seconded to approve an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 for a projector and bulletin board signage through the State of MA Contract.

Next meeting tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, May 7, 2014, 7pm

805pm--Paul moved and David seconded to adjourn.  Unanimous

Respectfully Submitted by Paul Daubitz