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Media Committee Minutes 10-10-2012
10 OCT 2012. Media committee meeting

David Mountain
Richard Hendrickson
Alicia Greco
Mario Carnovale

7:10 meeting commenced

Mario motioned to accept minutes from 13 Sept 2012 David seconded. Unanimously approved.

Richard reported that equipment setup has been delayed. Is waiting to hear back from vendor on a new date.

Town electrician is installing power on Friday 10/12 in the floor under the conference table.

Investigate guidelines for media content and role of social media for town.

Action items:
Training, who, when and where?
Contact Historical Commission for content
Contact cultural commission for groups with constant
Approach boards to introduce ourselves to get them thinking about content.

8:00 PM Motion to adjourn Mario Carnovale, David Mountain seconded.   Unanimously approved.