Newbury Historical Commission
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Call to Order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance
A regular monthly meeting of the Newbury Historical Commission was held at the Newbury Town Hall.
Members present: Channing Howard, Nancy Thurlow, Jan Forrest, Lon Hachmeister, Eva Jackman, and Sue Nagle
Members absent: None
Special Guest: Martha Taylor, Newbury Town Planner
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the August 2015 meeting were presented. A motion was made to accept, with correction to treasurer’s report. It was seconded, and the motion carried with a unanimous vote.
- Notice from MVPC on Regional Transportation – no action required
Treasurer’s Report
As of September 10, 2015 General Fund $ 1,033.35
Gift Fund $1,564.27
Special Article Fund $5,885.54
Total $ 8,483.16
Committee Reports: None
Old /continuing Business
- Channing is continuing to work on getting the committee access to the 1635 website. He is going to check with Governor’s to see if any students can assist. The 1 to 1 site can be dismantled.
- We are trying to find a suitable picture for a Plaque for the School House in Chris’ memory. Channing was going to check with Barbara to see if there were any from the 375th.
- Jan to make copies of the Letter from the State regarding the Thurlow land from a prior meeting.
- School House – Chimney was repaired by Colonial Brickworks, Amesbury;
- Toilets and Sinks have been removed by Channing with assistance from Lon. All old porcelain was disposed of in Channing’s personal dumpster and the small amount of copper removed was retained by him. The larger pipes will be left standing, as they go up through the roof. We now have some storage space.
New Business
- Martha Taylor was invited to this meeting to go over the need for HC members to assist with the Master Plan. This Plan is being revised and updated and she would like volunteers to work with the group reviewing the Cultural & Historical sections. Jan, Lon, and Eva will participate with the group. Nancy volunteered to assist with typing changings, etc. The goal is to complete all sections by the end of April 2016. The document will then be turned over to an outside consultant group to review. The final project should be completed by June. Martha left the meeting after this discussion had ended.
- We need to find the name of the group (?) that is in charge of the milestones & plaques on the old Bay State Road.
- NHC was going to purchase books for the library archives. We need to check to see which historic Newbury books are missing from their collection.
- Check the School house for booklets to reproduce. Question was raised about the “Price” book being worth reproducing. The decision on reproducing a booklet or pamphlet will be further discussed at a later date.
- New Facilities Manager-James Surette. Sam Joslin will be doing building permits & inspections only.
- 280 High Road-possible demo on historic house with DDB trigger
- 1635 website – updates
- Question was raised about creating a Local Historic District around the Lower Green. Can we change By-laws to protect the Town owned land? Can we get this placed on the National Historic Register?
- There is a sign on the Lower Green, which Chris had replaced/repaired. Is not currently visible from some angles due to overgrown tree limbs.
- ListServe http://mailman.cs.umb.edu/mailman/listinfo/masshistpres
DDB discussion
- Channing is reviewing check lists. We need a list to identify certain historic aspects of any house or building that may come up for DDB review. This would include, but not be limited to: Floorboards, foundations, fireplaces/mantels, lintels, doors, and windows.
The next meeting of the Historical Commission will be on Thursday, October 8th at 7:00 at Town Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 PM.
Jan Forrest 10-08-15
Jan Forrest Date of approval
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