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Historical Commission Minutes 8-13-2015
Newbury Historical Commission
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Call to Order at 6:45 pm   with the Pledge of Allegiance
A regular monthly meeting of the Newbury Historical Commission was held at the 1877 School House on the Lower Green.
Members present: Channing Howard, Nancy Thurlow, Jan Forrest, Lon Hachmeister, Eva Jackman,     and Sue Nagle
Members absent: None
Approval of Minutes:   The minutes of the June 2015 meeting were presented.  A motion was made to accept.   It was seconded, and the motion carried with a unanimous vote.  No meeting was held in July.
  • Save the date for the memorial for David Mountain, former Selectman on 09/26/15 from 10-11.
  • E-mails:  Suggestions for links to websites to add to our 1635 website; question on Historic District in Byfield (there is none); inquiry on house plaques for historic homes; Colonial Restorations has a slide show on restorations.
  • MHC-letter regarding the Thurlow Conservation Restriction, 26 Marsh Avenue, Newbury sent to Land Grant Program, Div. of Conservation Services.  This letter suggests that parcels be acquired to protect & preserve archaeological sites in this area.
Treasurer’s Report
As of August 13, 2015     General Fund    $ 1,150.00      
        Gift Fund     $1,564.27
        Special Archival Expense Fund     $5,885.54     
        Total     $ 8,599.81

Committee Reports:   None

Old /continuing Business
  • Channing is continuing to work on getting the committee access to the 1635 website.  
  • A suggestion was made to talk about a Plaque for the School House in Chris’ memory in the near future.
  • We need to have multiple storage places:  CD’s-Schoolhouse; Website person; Town Hall.
  • We need new members.
  • Archival $ to be used.
School House:  remove bathroom fixtures

New Business
  • Solar light was purchased for the flag pole-needs to be set up
  • Sails & Trails is usually held in September.  We need to check the dates to keep the School House open, if possible.
  • Suggestion was offer to see if Laurie Jarvis might be interested in joining the NHC.
  • Tracy Blais sent notification to Channing that some pictures were removed from the Town Clerk’s vault.  Channing went to secure the pictures.  They were of little historical value, but were mounted in nice frames.  We will keep the frames for future use.
  •  We need to get back to focusing on the steps, etc. with the DDB.  Question was raised regarding several properties (one on High Rd and another on Green St).   We did not receive any notification from Sam Joslin regarding tear downs.  We will have to check the information given to Sam and refresh  the need for notification to NHC on these types of projects  
  • 1635 website – updates.  Lon discussed the setting up of the new website on  We are transferring the original 1635 website name from 1 to 1 to the new Yahoo site.  One the account is up and running, Lon will be sure to give access information to at least one other member for security reasons.  Either Lon or Channing will need to get in touch with Brandon, to see if he can assist with making the site viable for member to add or delete items in the future.
  • Discussion of the aerial maps was revived.  We need to ensure they are stored as .jpg’s.  Lon is interested in making sure this happens.  Nancy stated that several maps need to be rescanned, and one needs to be secured with the new archival tape purchased so it can be scanned.  All the physical maps are now stored in the archival tubes Nancy purchased and are stored in the 1877 School House.
  • The State convention of the MHC was being held on the 14th of August.  None of the NHC members were able to attend.
DDB discussion
The next meeting of the Historical Commission will be on Thursday, 09/10/15 at 7:00 at Newbury Town Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 PM.  

Jan Forrest                             09/10/15                                
Jan Forrest                             Date of approval