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Historical Commission Minutes 4-9-2015
Newbury Historical Commission
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Call to Order at 7:07 pm   with the Pledge of Allegiance
A regular monthly meeting of the Newbury Historical Commission was held at the Newbury Town Hall.

Members present: Channing Howard, Nancy Thurlow, Jan Forrest, Lon Hachmeister, and Eva Jackman

Members absent: Sue Nagle

Approval of Minutes:   The minutes of the March 2015 meeting were presented.  A motion was made to accept with minor corrections.   It was seconded, and the motion carried with a unanimous vote.

  • E-mail from Karen Wakefield, a member of First Parish Church of Newbury, requesting info.  She wanted to know if the church was on the State Register of Historic Places.  Jan replied with a copy of the Historic District info.  Karen will follow up with the MHC.
  • Staples invoice was in the NHC mailbox.  This was given to Lon to pay.
  • History Dept., UMASS – history of food will be presented at the MHC conference.
Treasurer’s Report

As of April 9, 2015         General Fund      $  140.65      
        Gift Fund     $1,841.78*
        Special Article Fund     $6,068.50      
        Total     $ 8,050.93
*Preservation of historical books, papers       

Committee Reports:   None

Old /continuing Business
  • School repairs to be done spring of 2015.  
  • Sue Noyes is continuing to work on getting the committee access to the 1635 website.  We may have to hire someone to recreate the site.
  • A suggestion was made to talk about a Plaque for the School House in Chris’ memory in the near future.
  • Jan will try to verify properties on the town assessor’s website, Salem registry of deeds, and start reviewing records found in the Library. This is an on-going process.
  • We need to have multiple storage places:  CD’s-Schoolhouse; Website person; Town Hall.
  • We need new members.
  • Archival $ to be used.

New Business

  • Press Release done for new members (article attached).
  • Library – Nancy is getting keys made for the file cabinets at the Library.
  • Library – we need to create an access policy.  Jan found a 1998 NHC paper with a mission statement, definitions, and policies.  One of them is useful for our Library cabinet access. We will make sure the Newbury Town Library has a copy.  We will need to create a sign-out sheet once we get the contents organized.
  • Systematic inventory needs to be done so we can start archiving.
  • Discuss Triton bleachers (Hearing notice attached).
  • Channing’s E-mail on website technician.
  • W. Newbury – MHC meeting at Town Hall, West Newbury on 05/18/15.  Intro to DDB with Chris Skelly.
  • Macris – check form “B’s” vs list of houses.  Jan provided a copy of the information on Macris for One High Street.  
  • Reminder that the Town Meeting is on the 19th.
  • Channing suggested we look at “list serve” for information assistance. This is the web address from Martha Taylor (


  • Special article fund was discussed.   We need to start spending this money.   We should create a list of useful ways to best use these funds.
  • Renewal of HC members:  Eva; Lon; Nancy
  • Form C (MHC inventory forms) for objects:  milestones, Witch’s Stone, Cow Crossing Sign.  Jan expressed concern about possible damage from plows, because there are no “markers” for the milestones.  Several of the stones are very small and hidden under the snow.  We have the forms and information from the MHC.  They were ordered by a prior NHC in 1991.  Getting these stones & sign registered with the MHC seems like a good idea.  We will work on getting photos & forms filled out in the near future.
  • We need to look into getting State (MHC) training on DDB.
  • New members were discussed.  We talked about getting some students to assist with the School House visitor openings;  ideas to elicit some interest ; having an activity on the Lower Green (on a much small scale) similar to the 375 celebration.
DDB discussion



The next meeting of the Historical Commission will be on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 7:00 at Town Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.  

        Janice Forrest                                  05/21/15                        
Jan Forrest                             Date of approval