A regular monthly meeting of the Newbury Historical Commission was held at the Newbury Town Hall.
Members present: Channing Howard, Nancy Thurlow, Lon Hachmeister, Jan Forrest, Sue Nagle, and Eva Jackman
Members absent: None
APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the December 2014 meeting were presented.
Nancy made a motion to accept the minutes with a word change; seconded by Lon. The motion carried with a unanimous vote.
1. Request to OK replacement windows at property at 5 Fairview Ave, Newbury. The request does not fall with the purview of the DDB. No Action is required.
2. Site plan review at 23-31 Sled Rd - Stowaway Storage Newbury, LLC. Plans were reviewed. The HC will respond with a request to preserve the stonewall boundary. Jan made a motion to take no other action; Nancy seconded, and the motion passed with a unanimous vote.
As of January 15, 2015 General Fund $ 140.65
Gift Fund $1,841.78
Special Article Fund $6,068.50
Total $ 8,050.93
Please note: There was an error in reporting of the Special Article fund for the entire fiscal year (2015). The prior total of this fund included the exiting amounts of the General fund. The amounts above are now correct.
1. Jan will type up the inventory of the School House taken in October.
2. The Library has 2 lateral files we are using. They are not locked at this time. Jan will get an inventory done at a later date.
3. Followed up with Sam Joslin about getting repairs done at the School. The squirrel hole was fixed. The clapboard replacement will not be tackled until Spring. It appears, after a more thorough examination, that the problem is larger than first thought.
4. Sue Noyes is continuing to work on getting the committee access to the 1635 website.
5. A suggestion was made to talk about a Plaque for the School House in Chris’ memory in the near future.
6. Jan will try to verify properties on the town assessor’s website, Salem registry of deeds, and start reviewing records found in the Library.
1. We are going to need badges to identify us as Town representatives. Lon has volunteered to photo shop pictures (we must provide one) & laminate with the Town Logo. Please try to get a photo to Lon as soon as possible.
2. A review was made of the worksheet for review and checklists to be used, created by Lon.
3. We discussed how it would be possible to preserve structures to keep them from being torn down. A point was raise that the homeowner can put a restriction on the deed for up to 30 yrs. This restriction can be renewed at the end of the 30 year time period.
4. Nancy will create form letter, using the Newburyport HC samples.
5. Per discussion with Martha Taylor, Town Planner, we need to keep on the letters when we receive Site Plans. We will be cc’d on all requests going forward.
6. Fruit St. Cell Tower Letter – No Action required.
7. Channing brought to the committee’s attention that 67 Central St property (Dam) was sold last month. He had a discussion with Doug Packard regarding the property’s historical importance of the mill buildings.
1. Jan checked on the Town Website: Assessor’s info. This was set up electronically in 1990. Some of the information is not accurate as to “date build”. We would have to contact the Assessor’s office to get background information on where the actually dates were acquired.
2. Budge increase request for FYI 2016 needs to be addressed with the Town Accountant.
3. Preservation Newsletter (Chris Skelly) – DDB “how to administer” clinic 01/30/15. Channing has sent Chris an e-mail requesting a meeting for the North Shore. We need to watch for dates on the annual meeting of the MHC.
4. Channing raised the issue of the HC’s meeting minutes not being on the Town website. Jan will follow up the Town Clerk to rectify the situation.
5. Channing sent an e-mail to Ellen, the new BOS clerk, which was forward to the Town Clerk, to post our need for new members on the HC.
1. We will be using the Newburyport HC’s Determination Letter regarding a Significant Structure.
2. Lon presented his updated checklists and worksheets.
3. Request to Demo a structure at 3 Tennys Court is expected, per an e-mail from Sam Joslin. It is reported to be built in 1800. The Committee used this as a “dry run” to test qualifications for the DDB to be activated. Using Lon’s new checklists.
4. We reviewed the “new” Demolition Sign off Sheet and Demo Permit review form. We noted several changes needed, adding Book and page #, etc. Jan will update information and forward to Sue/Sam Joselin the revised pages.
5. Next section of the DDB that needs a more a check/information list is section 1.9 A & B. Lon will work on this next.
6. Channing will work on Protocol for hearings, should they be necessary.
The next meeting of the Historical Commission will be on Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 7:00 at Town Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 9.02 PM.
Jan Forrest Date of approval Clerk