Call to Order
The annual Ice Cream Social and a brief meeting of the Newbury Historical Commission were held at
the Lower Green Schoolhouse on Wednesday, August 14, 2013. Ice cream and informal socializing
lasted from 6:30 – 7:06 PM, at which time the business portion of the evening was called to order.
Members present: Chris Drelich, Channing Howard, and Nancy Thurlow.
Member-elect present: Lon Hachmeister. [Lon needs to be sworn in at Town Hall]
Members absent: Sue Nagle, Bill Towne.
Approval of Minutes Postponed
Since Lon was not present at the July 2013 meeting, we did not have a quorum to vote for approval of
the minutes of that meeting. Voting will take place at a subsequent meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
As of August 14, 2013
General Fund $391.10
Gift Fund $1,425.78
Special Article Fund $6,068.50
Old Business
Forsythias at Monument
The forsythias at the First Settlers Monument have been planted. The kids across the street
are watering them regularly.
Lower Green Sign
The replacement sign for the Lower Green has been installed. Chris will trim back a branch that
is slightly covering part of it on the south face.
Upper Green Pond Circulation Pump
Tim Leonard has a replacement pump on order.
New Business
New Member Update
We welcomed Lon Hachmeister to the Historical Commission and gave him an overview of
the projects and initiatives we have taken on in the past. Molly Shamas had been offered the
2nd position on the HC but was forced to turn it down due to unforeseen circumstances.
Channing will check at Town Hall to see if any other potential members have shown an interest.
Newbury Historical Commission, Meeting Minutes 8/14/13 - Page 1 of 2
Solar-powered light for Lower Green flagpole
Selectman Chairman Joe Story asked Channing about the possibility of having a solar-powered
light illuminate the Lower Green flagpole. Currently we only display the Newbury Town Flag
there because the American Flag cannot fly unlighted at night. After a brief discussion,
no action was taken.
Wedding Request
Rebecca Spolarich has contacted the HC about the possibility of having her wedding pictures
taken in and around the Schoolhouse on August 2, 2014. She and her husband-to-be are both
school teachers and thought it would make a fitting setting. They would be willing to make a
donation to the Historical Commission for the use of the space. All agreed it would be fine.
Nancy Thurlow will follow up with Rebecca and let her know.
Wood Deterioration on East Side of Schoolhouse
The HC discussed the deterioration of the lower few rows of clapboards on the east side of the
Schoolhouse. We wondered if carpentry students at Whittier Tech would be able to do the
necessary repairs. Chris Drelich will contact Sam Joslin, Building Inspector, and let him know
to see what his thoughts are.
The next meeting of the Historical Commission was set for Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 6:30 PM
at the Newbury Town Library, Lunt Street, Byfield.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Christopher Drelich, Date of approval
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