Call to Order
A regular monthly meeting of the Newbury Historical Commission was held at the Newbury Town
Library on Wednesday, May 8, 2013. The meeting convened at 6:37 PM.
Members present: Chris Drelich, Channing Howard, Sue Nagle, Barbara Rogers, and Nancy Thurlow.
Members absent: Marcia Peirce, Bill Towne.
Approval of Minutes
The draft minutes of the 4/10/13 meeting were presented and approved on a MOTION made by Barbara
Rogers. Channing Howard abstained, as he was not present at the 4/10/13 meeting. All other members
present voted in favor. The motion carried.
1. Treasurer’s Report
As of May 8, 2013 General Fund $109.85.
Gift Fund $1,170.78.
Old Business
1. Porta-Potty for Lower Green
Chris Drelich contacted Tracy Blais to inquire about permission for the Porta-Potty on the
Lower Green. She indicated that Building Inspector Sam Joslin was the permission granting
authority. Chris spoke with Sam and the HC was given permission for the Porta-Potty to be
placed by the Green. Barb had been in touch with Wilkinson Septic, who provides the other
porta-potties in town.
MOTION: A motion was made by Chris Drelich to contract with Paul Wilkinson Septic
to provide a porta-potty on the Lower Green from the beginning of June through
Columbus Day weekend (or the end of October, if we end up paying for the full
month). The motion carried with a unanimous vote.
2. Shrubs next to First Settlers’ Monument
Channing will contact Peter Hollis, Tree Warden, about the potential removal and replacement
of the shrubs next to the First Settlers’ Monument. Bill Towne was going to check with Nunan’s
of Georgetown about a landscaping plan, but since Bill was absent, Sue Nagle offered to check
in with Bill and/or Nunan’s.
3. Draft Proposed Demolition Delay Bylaw
Chris distributed “Version 2” of the Draft Proposed DDB, complete with all changes from
previous meetings, along with some additional information sheets that may potentially serve as
aids if/when there is a public hearing about the proposed DDB. Instead of taking time during
the meeting to go back and read through Version 2, we decided to assign ourselves
homework: HC members should read through Version 2 and accompanying materials and
bring ideas, corrections, and questions to the documents at our next meeting.
Newbury Historical Commission, Meeting Minutes 5/8/13 - Page 2 of 2
New Business
1. Town Meeting
Transfer of the coin sale money from the town’s general fund to the HC Gift Fund is scheduled
for a vote at the Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, May 21 at 7:00 PM. Channing will attend
as a representative of the HC in case there are questions.
2. Schoolhouse Opening
Target opening dates for the Lower Green Schoolhouse are Saturday, June 1 and Sunday, June 2
from 12:00 – 3:00 PM both days. Barb has offered to cover Saturday; Chris will cover Sunday.
Chris will create another online calendar as he did last year for coverage of open houses.
Spring cleaning and preparation for opening will be held on Wednesday, May 29 at 3:00 PM.
3. Shutter Restoration
There was a brief discussion of the need to restore/repaint the shutters from the Schoolhouse.
We wondered if Sam Joslin’s father (who did the windows last year) might be interested. No
further discussion was had at this time.
The next meeting of the Historical Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at the
Newbury Town Library, 6:30 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM.
Christopher Drelich, Date of approval