Call to Order
A regular monthly meeting of the Newbury Historical Commission was held at the Newbury Town
Library on Wednesday, September 12, 2012. The meeting convened at 6:37 PM.
All members were present: Channing Howard, Barbara Rogers, Chris Drelich, Bill Towne, Sue Nagle,
Nancy Thurlow, and Marcia Peirce.
Approval of Minutes
The draft minutes of the 8/8/12 meeting were presented and approved on a MOTION made by Nancy
The motion carried with a unanimous vote.
1. Larkin Mill
a. The whereabouts of the equipment from the Larkin Mill is still in question.
b. No word from Chuck Bear re: selling of the mill property. We will continue to
pursue this as a possible location for an historical display.
2. Treasurer’s Report
As of 9/12/12, the General Fund has all $650 remaining. The Gift Fund totals $1,074.13.
Bill Towne made a MOTION to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.
The motion carried with a unanimous vote.
Old Business
1. 350th Anniversary Coins
The HC discussed the fate of the bronze and silver coins that remain from the 350th anniversary.
Barbara Rogers made a motion to have Chris send a letter to Tracy Blais and the Board of
Selectmen requesting that we take possession of the silver coins; the bronze coins will be left
in the possession of the Town per the March 1, 2012 letter from the Selectmen stating that they
would like to keep the “gold” (sic) coins to give as tokens of appreciation as the situation arises.
The letter will also state our intent to sell the silver coins, the proceeds going toward the HC for
future projects.
The motion carried with a unanimous vote.
2. Trails & Sails Weekend
Final details were discussed regarding the Trails & Sails event on Saturday, September 22.
Chris Drelich asked all to thank Barbara Rogers publicly for all of her work organizing the
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3. Demolition Delay Bylaw
The HC began discussing elements of a proposed Demolition Delay Bylaw but there was
uncertainty among the HC members whether the HC itself is supposed to draft the bylaw or
rather inform the Planning Board, who would ultimately draft the DDB.
Per Old Business #2c of the 8/8/12 meeting of the HC, Channing had secured a slot on the
Planning Board’s agenda for their 10/3/12 meeting. It was decided to hold off on any formal
DDB work until the HC receives direction from the Planning Board. Chris Drelich and Bill
Towne volunteered to attend the Planning Board meeting on October 3rd to see exactly what the
PB envisions the HC’s role to be. Bill and Chris will report back at the next HC meeting.
New Business
1. Receiving of a Gift
An antique stool (“dunce stool”) was given to the HC by member Bill Towne to be displayed
in the schoolhouse. We thanked Bill for his generosity.
2. Wish List
Barbara Rogers suggested that the HC keep a “wish list” of items and initiatives. All agreed
this would be an excellent idea. Items identified for the list thus far were as follows:
a. Larkin Mill historical display
b. Schoolhouse shutters stripped & painted
c. Replace Lower Green historical sign
d. Rework landscaping at First Settlers Monument
e. 37-star antique flag for interior of schoolhouse
Chris will keep a running list on file.
3. Folk Art Pins
Sue Nagle showed a sample of the Lower Green Schoolhouse pins that she had been working on.
All were very pleased with the product. Sue has graciously offered to make up a batch and sell
them to the HC for $3.75 each; the HC would then sell them at the Schoolhouse and via the
A motion was made by Bill Towne to authorize Sue to make up an initial batch of 35-50
pins (depending on her schedule) for us to sell. Sue will write up a bill to the HC to be
presented at the next meeting.
The motion carried with a 6-0 vote. Sue Nagle abstained from the vote.
4. Parking Issues at the Lower Green
The high number of boat trailers parking on the Lower Green was discussed briefly but tabled
until a future meeting when more time is available.
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The next meeting of the Historical Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at 6:30
PM at the Newbury Town Library. Channing indicated that the next few meetings will need to be
reserved with the library. Chris will take care of this and notify the HC if there is any change in time,
date, or venue.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.
Christopher Drelich 10/10/12
Christopher Drelich, Date of approval