Town of Newbury
Finance Committee Meeting
Tuesday Sep 2, 2014, 7:00 pm, Town Hall
Meeting Minutes (Final—approved 10.7.14)
In Attendance: Linda Allen, Gene Case (Vice Chair), Bob Connors, Marshal Jespersen, Frank Remley (Chair).
Guests: John Weiss, Martha Taylor, Eric Svahn
Agenda (Tentative)
- Meeting minutes: 7.14.14 Minutes could not be approved because a quorum of that meeting was not present; However, June 3 minutes were unanimously approved.
- Planning Board update on Master Planning process: John Weiss and Martha Taylor updated PB deliberations so far on the process needed for the master plan update. (See outline in attachment 1). They pointed out that it should start with a summary of the major recommendations and accomplishments of the 2005 plan. Of the total 107 action items identified in that plan, 24 items have been completed and 34 items are underway. Of these, the refurbishment, upgrading or replacement of the police station was/is action item No. 2. There is currently a municipal building committee studying this issue and the options available (see below). John and Martha agreed that the proposed budget-estimate of $60,000 at the May ATM for updating the Master Plan (per state law it must be upgraded every five years, so Newbury’s
is overdue), needs to be more detailed. To this end, the planning board is now beginning talks with possible consultants to determine steps needed, and a more accurate budget for this effort. The current intent is that there will be a warrant for a more detailed budget and cost in the fall STM now scheduled for Oct. 21. As a result, a Motion was made by Bob Connors and seconded by Marshall Jespersen to amend the wording of Warrant Article 17 involving Master Plan funding which was previously bypassed at the ATM on May 20, 2014. For starters, the insertion of the words “up to the sum of $60,000.00” should be substituted.~~ (See previous warrant article below for reference.) The motion was unanimously approved.
It was advised that the new warrant for the Oct. 21 town meeting should be ready by Oct. 7 Finance Committee meeting or before.
- Municipal Bldg. Committee (MBC) Update: Eric Svahn, a Newbury resident architect is volunteer chairman of the MBC committee. Eric provided an update of the Municipal Building Committee’s work to date. He also provided a copy of the CSS Architects study including building space and cost analysis of four options all including a combination of police and Town Hall functional requirements, and improvements at the existing site on High Road and Morgan Avenue. He also provided a copy of a cost and bonding analysis of each option which was prepared by First Southwest, Newbury’s bond council (attached). The funding analysis for each option was projected over a 20 year bond life, which was their recommended optimal term and cost for the size and nature of a municipal bond for such a purpose. Payment would likely be funded by
a debt exclusion. There was some discussion of the need for at least one other option such as constructing a new facility for just police, for example as previously offered by the Governor’s academy for a 100 year land lease on Route 1. This proposal would include access to the G.A. sewage collection and treatment plant. During the discussion it was opined that perhaps the options for a new or refurbished facility should be narrowed down to only two: a refurbished town Hall and PD option including a sewer and water connection with the Newburyport system, and a separate, new PD facility, such as at the Governors Academy site on Route One. It was again stressed that any option should include the impact on net operational and maintenance costs.
Eric summarized that the Police Dept. currently operates with 12 full and 8 part time employees (reserves) for an estimated 14 Full Time Equivalents (FTE’s). Five are on site at any point in time, including the Chief and Deputy, a dispatcher, a duty sergeant, and a duty officer. This staff, along with patrol officers are to provide 24/7 police coverage for the approximately 2300 households in Newbury spread over 65 miles of roadway. It also covers three public schools in session during the week including faculty and TRSD administration , as well as the Governor’s Academy with administration and faculty. Public safety protection also covers a smattering of businesses and highway safety. Total actual population covered approaches 10,000 including residents, students and faculty. Annually
there are approximately 1000 incarcerations at least temporarily jailed at the Newbury police headquarters.
Eric provided a construction cost comparison of comparable Massachusetts Police Station in 15 communities, six of which compare closely with Newbury in size and population (See attached).
- June Year End and July Financial reports (Town Administrator); The TA was not present, so was not available to summarize, or comment on financial results for FY 14, or the first month of FY 15. However Newbury’s new Accountant, Eileen Deveau, was kind enough to stay late to compile and distribute hard-copies of the June year-end revenue and expense reports for FY 14, and July FY 15 YTD report (copies attached). It was a “best-effort” on her part and they had not yet been reviewed. As there was no time for on the spot analysis, and it is still very early in the year, there was no discussion at this meeting. (COMMENT: However, it appears that FY14 ended with revenues collections higher than projected in the FY 14 re-cap sheet by about 4%. Expenses for FY 14 were under the approved FY 14 budget by roughly 3%.
More information will be provided when available.)
- Reserve Fund update: there have been no requests for reserve fund transfers so far in FY 15.
- CPC update: Larry Guay, current Finance Committee representative was not present. However, Bob Connors reminded that project proposals to be considered in FY 15 are due on November 1.
- Old/New business, as needed:
- Replacement of Bob Connors on CPC: this was briefly discussed and the committee members present were asked to give this opportunity some thought
- Follow-up session with Rick Harris: Frank Remley was requested to contact Rick Harris to schedule a follow-up training session on a Friday Morning in September. Subsequently it was scheduled for Sept. 19 at Bob Connors House on Annapolis Way, from 9:00 – 11:30 am, same format as before. Rick will provide a suggested agenda for this session.
- FY 15 FinCom issues and process suggestions: Frank was asked to contact Tracy about assigning a part time secretary at each meeting to record minutes. This is being considered by the Town Administrator.
- Next meeting(s): Tuesday Oct 7, 2014; follow-up process improvement/training session scheduled for Sep 19, 9:00 -11:00 am at Bob Connors home on Annapolis Way.
Attachment No. 1:
08/20/2014 Draft v.2, FY 2015
1. General Update:
Update all demographic information based on 2010 U.S. Census – text, tables, and figures
2. Section by Section Information Update:
a. Natural Resources:
(1) Review and update all background information
(2) Update “Land Use” information – “Forest Resources” and “Agricultural Resources”
(3) Update information re. “Protected Open Space and Priority Habitats”
b. Cultural and Historic Resources:
(1) Update “Historic Preservation and Cultural Organizations”
(2) Update “Inventory of Historic and Cultural Assets,” esp. “Town-Owned Cultural and Historical Assets” and “Recent Activity”
(3) Update “Other Issues and Observations”
c. Housing:
(1) Update all data using current U.S. and Town census information and Assessors information
(2) Update “Current Affordable Housing Initiatives”; include Accessory Apartments and Inclusionary Zoning
(3) Add new data:
(a) Number of housing units built since last Master Plan
(b) Number and dollar value of building permits
(c) Average value of all housing units in Newbury vs. in the region
d. Economic Development:
(1) Update “Current Economic Profile”
(2) Update “Future Economic Profile”
Master Plan Update Outline v.2 Page 2 of 2 08/20/2014
(3) Add Build-out Analysis with Tax Implications – see g.(3) below
e. Transportation:
(1) Update all sections (MVPC)
f. Community Facilities and Services:
(1) Update “Inventory of Community Facilities”
(2) Update “Infrastructure”
(3) Update “Other Issues and Observations”
g. Land Use:
(1) Update “Existing Land Use” Data
(2) Update “Land Use Controls”
(3) Update “Estimate of Future Buildout”
(4) Update “Other Issues and Observations”
h. Update Maps (MVPC), Tables, and Figures
3. Visioning/Community Participation/Public Meetings:
a. Review existing Goals for each section with Master Plan Committee and in public forums
b. Identify new Goals (e.g. Address issues related to Sea Level Rise – baseline data and action plan; Increase and broaden tax base)
c. Revise Implementation Plan
4. Development of a Five Year Strategy/Action Plan for High Priority items and areas, including potentially:
a. Route 1 (From Boston Road north; assemble Task Force)
b. Plan for Byfield Center
c. Plan for Plum Island Center/Plum Island Beach
5. Update Open Space and Recreation Plan, per State Requirements (Plan expires 12/31/2014)