Town of Newbury
Finance Committee Meeting
Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 7:00 am, Town Hall
Meeting Summary
Committee: Gene Case, Bob Connors, Frank Remley (Chair), Anna Tenaglia
Ex-Officio: Tracy Blais, Town Administrator/Finance Director
1. June YTD Revenue and Expense Summaries (Town Administrator): delayed because
of year-end closing, and earlier than usual finance Committee meeting. They will be
electronically transmitted as soon as they are complete.
2. Year end proposed line item transfers (Finance Director): the following transfers were
unanimously approved:
a. $1,969.89 from Town Clerk’s Expense to Election Expense;
b. $5,000 from Police Wages to Police Expense;
c. $50.64 from Board of Health Expense to BOH Wages;
d. $248.14 from Accountant’s Salary to Assessor’s Wages;
e. $460.44 from the Reserve Fund to Medicare Town Expense;
f. $2,324.68 from the Reserve Fund to Byfield Fire Call Wages.
This leaves a remaining balance of $1,194.88 in the Reserve Fund.
3. Restart of Capital Planning Committee: Frank to check once again with Frank Visconti
regarding his preference of Finance Committee membership vs. CPC. Anna Tenaglia,
Bob Connors, Kathleen Pearson, and Tracy Blais will be appointed with Frank or another
to fill the fifth spot.
4. June 21 Meeting Summaries: approved unanimously as is.
5. Comments on Financial Policies draft document: will be on the agenda for the August
meeting. Tracy to meet with Marshall Jespersen regarding his previous comments.
6. Other: Bob Connors to meet with Tracy Blais and Sam Joslin regarding a stop-gap
solution to enable reopening the Town Barn temporarily. Tracy will contact the Attorney
General regarding a possible waiver for this small procurement from normal bidding rules
based on the emergency nature of the repairs, and that it is primarily a deferred
maintenance need.
Tracy also informed the Finance Committee that the Governor’s academy has agreed to
fund $30,000 to the Town toward a new truck, and $2,500 to the Town Library.
She further informed that the ATB has ruled on the tax appeal of five PI property owners
and has awarded a 15% reduction in FY 10 taxes based on 1/1/09 property values.
7. Next Meeting: Tuesday August 16, 7:00 pm, Byfield Fire Hall