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Cultural Council Minutes 12-13-2012
Newbury Cultural Council
Newbury Town Library

Present: Chris, Michelle, Pam, Joanne, Sharon
Absent: Keith, Joe, Heidi, Mary Ann

7:12 meeting called to order

Joanne moves & Michelle seconds to approve minutes of 2011 meeting. Passed unanimously.

$3,870 is available from State, $100 left over, totaling $3,970 to award. There are requests amounting to $11,015.


  • Newburyport Literary Festival (300) $150 High quality event. Supported in past.
  • Salisbury Art Stroll (1,000) No. Out of funds, uncomfortable with it going to prize money. Not really Newbury event.
  • Boys & Girls Club Drama Program (1,000) No. Unclear how many Newbury children are served. Budget figures are unclear as well. Seems as though program is fully funded by banks.
  • John Root Music for Seniors (550) No. Not clear if he is supported by COA. COA has two other requests.
  • Merrimack Valley Philharmonic (200) No. Haverhill/North Andover. Not enough community impact.
  • Newbury Town Library Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (195) Yes. Passes get a lot of use.
  • Newbury Elementary School Rock Detectives (500) $250 Really good program.
  • Newbury Elementary School Hands on history (400) $200 Had to partial fund both NES programs due to small funds available. They will have to turn to other sponsors for rest.
  • disqualified no date
  • disqualified no date
  • Marble Collection Literary Journal (200) No. Not applicable to Triton or Governor’s Academy.
  • Delvina Theater Company Julia Child for Seniors (395) Yes. Senior Center has no other resources.
  • disqualified no date
  • Newburyport Choral Society Summer Sing (200) Yes. Spectacular last year.  Enjoyed by all ages.
  • Triton Viking Reads (1,000) No. Classroom materials, not program, not in NCC mission.
  • Newbury Council on aging MFA trip (350) Yes. Highly valued by seniors.
  • Triton Flat Stanley Jr. program (500) $250. All school programs got partial funding because they can also ask PTAs and Foundations.
  • O’Carolan Harvest Festival SPL farm (75) Yes.   
  • O’Carolan Tales & Ales Swett Isley House (450) $225. Hopefully their other sponsors step up to cover the rest.
  • Newbury Elementary Hands on History (350) No. Duplicate of # 8
  • Byfield Community Arts Center Equipment Upgrade (Capital) (350) Yes for now, may revisit. Question re capital expense. Adjusted to $180.
  • Merrimack Valley Concert @ Byfield Days (750) $375 Byfield days is well attended, there is a parade for kids.
  • Open Air Sculpture at Maudslay (300) $250 Lots of Newbury Artists.
  • Newburyport Chamber Musical Festival (200) Yes. Supported in past, quality event.
  • Cantemus Artists of the North Shore (1000) $300 350 people attend event. They are celebrating their 30th anniversary.
  • Theater in the open Panto production (750) $375 Very popular.
Joanne moved to award funds as discussed. Sharon seconded. Joanne is recused from #14. Passed unanimously.

Pam nominated Chris to stay on as chair. Michelle seconded. Chris nominates Joanne for treasurer. Michelle seconded. Joanne nominated Pam for secretary. Sharon seconded. All nominees accepted, passed unanimously.

Michelle moves that the council approve that two officers need to sign requests for reimbursements. Sharon seconds. Approved unanimously.

Sarah Fix resigned from the council due to relocating out of Byfield.

Adjourned at 8:54