Newbury Cultural Council Meeting Newbury Town Library November 9, 2013
1:13 meeting called to order
Present: Kathy, Amy, Chris, Pam, Joanne
Absent: Michael
Minutes from 12/13 meeting : Joanne moved, Kathy seconded, approved unanimously
How much is available to spend? Joanne went over the worksheet. $106 set aside for administrative expenses. $4150 is available to award in 2014, if $300 is carried over for the Cantemus award that was not completed in 2013 due to the composer having suffered a stroke.
Kathy moves to reapprove the 2013 Cantemus request for $300 that was awarded and unclaimed. Joanne seconds. Approved unanimously.
1. Marble Collection 400/90,835
What is this? Publication for student art. Does it benefit Newbury at all? They apply to every council in the state. Not local. Denied.
2. Tony Vacca World Rhythms (NES) 1,200
Very very good performer. Is it one performance or a series? It benefits all of the elementary children. It’s a steep amount, but there might be six people in the band, which is reasonable if not low. Partial funding of $950 approved. Schools have other sources of funds, PTA, foundation.
3. Curtain Maintenance (Capital) - BCAC 500/1,600
Long term solution. Curtain must be fire retardant. They could be shut down. It is a matter of safety. Benefits all who use that venue. It is Byfield. Approved.
4. Art Stroll/Mural Project - Town of Salisbury 400/1675
Last year they asked for prize money. This year they want to hire a band and other entertainers (balloons, caricature artist). $200 awarded.
5. Merrimack Valley Philharmonic 200/45,900
Regional. Not local. Apply to a lot of councils. Performances are in North Andover. Denied.
6. Henry the Juggler - disqualified - no date specified.
7. Carol Baum Trash Tower 500/2,500
What will it look like on the lawn of the NES? Moved from original plan of upper green. Are the classroom teachers on board with the lesson plans given curriculum restraints? No letter of support from school. Is it going to change behaviors, realistically? What would she be reimbursed for? Denied.
8. Newburyport Literary Festival 300/40,000
Huge wonderful event. They give credit in publicity to all sponsors. Approved.
9. TMPO Scholarship 750/2,250
Does the money go to the scholarship recipients? Printing? Isn’t that operating expenses? Not an event. Only benefits a few students. Denied.
10. Old Newbury Bonfire (Newbury Fire Protection #2) 1,500/4,400
If it is a fundraiser, how are they asking for funding? Does not have an arts theme. Midwinter community event. Not arts related at all. Denied.
11. Newburyport Chamber Music Festival 200/24,200
Also a big festival with a wide draw. Approved.
12. Delvina Theatre Company "Lizzie Borden" (COA) 450
This company did Julia Child last year. Very good company. Approved.
13. Theater in the Open Panto Production 400/5,000
Asked for $700 last year and was awarded half. Approved.
14. Stephen Collins "Theatre of the 30s 40s & 50s" (COA) 300
Not as strong an application as the other COA application. Also not as well known as Delvina. Denied.
15. Newburyport Choral Society Spring Concert 300/38,200
Draw from all over. Really good. Very devoted members. Approved.
16. Fruitlands Museum (Harvard) Free Admission Day 300/9,000
Too far away. Denied.
17. JFK Library & Museum Trip (COA) 350/800
Seniors really appreciate these trips. Approved
18. Merrimack Valley Concert Band Performance (BCAC) 750
This is not part of Byfield Days this year. Does the band have enough of a draw just to have a performance on a random date? Some of the funds appear to be allotted for stipends, which is not allowed. Amateur program. No performer of any age is denied participation. Partial funding of $375 approved.
19. Human Rights/Labor Rights Show (Stephen Lewis & NTL) 125/200
Very interesting topic. Small amount. This is the only request from the Library. Approved.
20A. Cantemus - 20 free tickets for residents 400/34,510
Only benefits a few people. Regional. Denied.
20B. Cantemus - Commissioned work from Ruth Lomon (not claimed in 2013) 300
Approved in previous discussion.
The committee feels good about how many worthy grants received full funding.
Joanne recuses herself from number 15.
Move to approve disbursement as presented by Amy. Seconded by Kathy. No further discussion. Approved unanimously.
Joanne moves that the council approves that two members including one officer need to sign vouchers for reimbursement. Pam seconds. Approved unanimously.
Chris announced that the Town of Newbury wants to change appointments to coincide with the Fiscal Year. They also want to stagger appointments so that turnover is consistent. Members were assigned one-year, two year, and three year terms. Chris and Michael received the one year terms. New members need to be recruited. Potential members to approach were discussed.
Amy nominates Chris as Chair for the remainder of his term, Pam to stay on as secretary for this current year, and Joanne to stay on as Treasurer. Kathy seconds. Approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 3:11 Motion by Kathy and second by Amy.