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Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes 1-21-2014
Conservation Commission Meeting
Town Hall - 25 High Road
Tuesday January 21, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Present: Dan Streeter, Jim Cunningham, Doug Packer, John Hartnett, Les Jones, John O’Connell
Excused: Ed Deardon

Meeting opened at 7:03 pm       

Public Hearings:

Steve Bandoian (41 Annapolis Way) – A continued NOI to repair and/or replace damage from December 2012 storm; deck, stairway, restack existing stone and placement of sand at dune base.  The applicant nor their Representative is present.  Have carried hearing for a number of months, Chairman Packer suggested that the hearing be dropped without prejudice; first motion made by Mr. Streeter, seconded by Mr. Cunningham; all in favor.

Jacqueline Prizer (29 Southern Blvd) – A continued NOI to raze existing dwelling & re-construct a single-family home. Representative Kim Turner submitted updated plans and narrative to the Commission and to DEP; changes included the reduction both the square footage of the home & using the existing lot coverage as well as reducing the number of pilings, improved the setback from 144 to 169 feet (from the shore) and improve the setback of the property lines on sides and front.  Ms. Turner requested a continuance until the February 18, 2014 meeting date to allow time for DEP review and to comment; so moved.   

Greg Bazylewicz (3 37th Street) – A continued RDA to repair/replace existing elevated deck and shed. The applicant’s plan was to enclose a portion of the elevated deck and to add a deck above the south facing deck.  This has now been scaled back to replace the elevated deck in-kind and use the existing footings, as well as ensuring it is 50% is open.  They will also raise the shed to two feet above grade. Chairman Packer went to the audience for questions, there were none.  The Commission had no additional questions.  Chairman Packer made a motion to close the public hearing; Mr. O’Connell made the first motion and Mr. Hartnett made the second motion to accept.  All in favor.  

Gary Litchfield (9 Hutchins Road) - NOI for the construction of a single-family dwelling, driveway grading and utilities.  Applicant requested a continuance until the February 18, 2014, so moved.

Robert Bouley (69 Pearson Dr) – NOI to construct a new dwelling, driveway and septic system to replace the existing dwelling destroyed by fire. Representative Ben Osgood stated that they are proposing to add to the back of exiting foundation to include a garage and also rebuild the single family home. The septic is on southwest portion of property. There were two driveways and just using one of the existing driveways that is currently graveled.

Michael Flaherty (68 Pearson Drive) - There is current drainage issues building up on their side of the street where there is a culvert. Mr. Osgood could not see the culvert, so it is more than likely buried. It would be the Commission’s recommendation to try and uncover the location and address the fix.  Drew Hale new owner has spoken with Mr. Flaherty and has agreed to address the culvert issues with the neighbors/Mr. Flaherty. The Commission asked that this be written in as a Condition within the Order

Chairman Packer went to the audience for questions, there were none.  The Commission had no additional questions.  Chairman Packer made a motion to close the public hearing; Mr. O’Connell made the first motion and Mr. Cunningham made the second motion to accept.  All in favor.  

Lisa Nardone (20 Dartmouth Way) – NOI to remodel an existing home. Representative William Barrett provided a summary of the project stating a portion of the existing structure will be razed and a second floor will be added. It is currently a ranch style home; remove a portion on west side of building and replace it with a deck on east side of building as well as a second floor addition. The lot coverage will change from 1150 to 1185 square feet.  The existing 5 bedroom home will be reduced to a 3 bedroom home. The existing driveway holds 2-3 cars and they are proposing a 60-foot driveway. Chairman Packer asked why? Mr. Barrett stated that there is no depth, and cars cannot be stacked. The home owner as 3 kids and she is trying to accommodate them. Asked if the applicant could  live with 40-foot driveway.  Certainly the applicant could, however the Commission agreed to allow the 60-foot driveway in the end.  Al Catalano of 18 Dartmouth Way and an abutter was present and just curious about the project.

Chairman Packer went to the audience for questions, there were none.  The Commission had no additional questions.  Chairman Packer made a motion to close the public hearing; Mr. Hartnett made the first motion and Mr. O’Connell made the second motion to accept.  All in favor.  

Governors Academy (1 Elm Street) – NOI for the installation of baseball dugouts, softball field, tree & brush removal and minor grading in baseball outfield.  Representative Fred Ford from Cammett Engineering Work is limited to the 100’ buffer-zone.  The Eastern part of property containing the baseball field is targeted for dugouts; one is along the baseline & within the buffer zone and the second is along the bleachers behind home plate.  While there, they would like to construct a concrete pad for the bleachers and lay utilities for potential electrical hookups, as well as doing some trimming and minor filling.  Lastly, the girls’ softball field currently located near the hockey rink and they are proposing to relocate it by the football field. Within this project they will put some poles up with fencing to contain the foul balls and other grading to protect wetland system.  There were no additional questions from the board, or any abutters/audience.  Mr. Ford asked for a continuance until the February 18, 2014 meeting date in order to acquire DEP Comments and address if any, before the next meeting; so moved.

Henry Becker (5 14th Street) – NOI for renovations to existing structure.  Representative Mary Rimmer from Rimmer Environmental Owner and indicated that the owner is still currently David O’Rourke. The proposed project is bringing the lot more into compliance and reducing the impervious surface by 529 sf
The overall proposed reconfigurations results in and overall increase of 666 square feet.   

Himeon (3 14th St) on an abutting property where some work being done; need some sort of authorization for the record (similar to Dobson/Kelly situation).  They are experiencing local flooding and fill on this lot would exacerbate the problem; must keep existing grade.
A few more abutters are concerned with that area as it floods.  
Tom Beal (6 14th St)
Cheryl & Rick Mahoney (6 12th St)
Ms. Rimmer agreed that the intent was not to provide any fill (look at narrative) and the grade of the driveway will remain the same.

The Commission had no additional questions.  Mr. O’Connell recused himself from the hearin.  Chairman Packer made a motion to close the public hearing; Mr. Hartnett made the first motion to accept seconded by Mr. Cunningham; All in favor.  

Certificates of Compliance: NONE

Emergency Certificates:  NONE

Re-Issuance:  NONE

Other Business:  

  • Update on 101 Newburyport Tpke (Angelo Ciardiello)
There was an Engineering firm change of assignment to Greg Hocmuth
Cannot blast
Removed wood
Giving new firm A couple of weeks to get up to speed

  • Pikul project proposal
Greenhouses being situated on Street side of property
Propose 130 greenhouses sitting on the dirt - 3900 SF greenhouses,  all about 30 feet wide
Is allowed on agricultural property
Solar panels to be mounted on buildings
Renting out the greenhouses
Only half of roof will have panels and they will be see through/translucent
Business Plan is there a farm plan and if so is this written into it?
Requested they file an RDA; but not required
Scale & scope of the project will be addressed with the town.

Meeting adjourned at 8:53 pm
        Respectfully submitted, Susan Noyes