Conservation Meeting Minutes
Town Hall - 25 High Road
Monday, December 20, 2010 at 7:00 pm
In attendance: Chairman Packer, Les Jones, John O’Connell, Jim Cunningham, Dan Streeter
Excused: John Hartnett, Worthen H Taylor II
Meeting opened at 7:02 pm
Review/Approval of Minutes from November 16, 2010 and December 13, 2010 meeting.
The Commission had no omissions or corrections; first motion to accept minutes made by John O’Connell and the second motion made by Jim Cunningham.
Fred Jackman (68 Green Street) – A continued NOI for roadway maintenance, drainage, ditches, utility pole installation and wetland mitigation at the junction of Emery Lane/Plummer’s Lane/Low Street. Mr. Jackman is still in litigation with regard to this parcel and would like to continue this hearing to the next meeting date. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. O’Connell made the second motion; all in favor.
Michael Kellan (8 39th Street) – A continued NOI to construct a single-family home and to extend driveway on the ROW to provide access to the subject property. Apple Associates and their client Michael Kellan are to be in process with the Zoning Board of Appeals with regard to the boardwalk; recommend continuance until the next meting date. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. O’Connell made the second motion; all in favor.
Leonard Dobson (38 Old Point Road) – A continued NOI to construct a two-story addition over existing deck. Mr. Dobson is still in litigation with regard to this dwelling and would like to continue this hearing to the next meeting date. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. O’Connell made the second motion; all in favor
John Feather & Dorothy Brooks (56 Fordham Way) – A continued NOI to replace/repair existing fence and create driveway access to external storage area. The applicants are still reviewing alternatives for this project; recommend a continuance until the next meting date. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. O’Connell made the second motion; all in favor.
Mass Wind LLC (8 Middle Road) – A continued RDA for the construction of three wind turbines. Applicant nor their representative were present, recommend a continuance until the next meeting date. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. O’Connell made the second motion; all in favor.
Bill Barrett (42 Southern Blvd) – An RDA to remove 95 square feet of existing hot tub and wood deck and replace with 81 sf of shed. Mr. Barrett summarized the project and presented a photograph of the current conditions that reinforced the new project would have less of an impact. However Chairman Packer felt that the structure should be raised two-feet to be in compliance with the Wetlands Protection Act. Mr. Barrett shared that the area is not currently functioning as a dune with the existing fence and hot tub and wondered why this stipulation was necessary. The Commission was in agreement that our practices needed to be consistent, and that the shed should be placed on at least blocks raising it to two-feet. Chairman Packer went to the audience for abutters or anyone else who wanted to speak on
this project; there were none. Chairman Packer made a motion to close the public hearing and entertain a motion; Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. Cunningham made the second motion; all in favor.
Kathleen Peck – (6 Old Rowley Road) – An NOI to construct 8.5’ X 36’ one and three-quarter addition on the north side of house, construct a three-quarter story to existing 15’ X 14’ room and a wood shed. Ms. Peck shared that this was Ally Adams old house and presented an overview of the project, along with photographs and the proposed plans. The 8.5X36’ addition is to bump out existing bedrooms and the second is to extend existing space; overall a very straight forward project. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or any one else who had a question with regard to the project; there were none. Chairman Packer then asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. O’Connell made the first motion to accept and Mr. Streeter made the second motion;
all in favor.
Kerry Murphy (82 Northern Blvd) – An RDA to repair existing cracked foundation. Applicant nor their representative were present, recommend a continuance until the next meeting date. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. Cunningham made the second motion; all in favor.
Ext. Permit: Bonnie Jean Toner (97 Old Point Road) – DEP File No. 050-956 to raze existing and construct new single-family dwelling on pilings. Chairman Packer recommends that the extension be granted; Mr. O’Connell made the first motion to accept and Mr. Cunningham made the second motion; all in favor.
Emergency Certificate: Timothy Tracy (28 53rd Street) to place hay bails on Newbury section of property to slow severe erosion. Chairman Packer summarized the conditions and need for the project, which being filed in addition to an Emergency Certificate from Newburyport. The Commission agreed to strike Page 2, Section D, part a only and Special Condition #1, the other conditions will apply. Mr. Streeter made a motion to accept and Mr. Cunningham made the second motion to accept.
Certificate of Compliance:
1) Elizabeth Stone (223 Middle Road - DEP File No. 050-1011 for a septic upgrade. Chairman Packer conducted a site visit and found this project to be in substantial compliance and recommends issuance of the Certificate of Compliance. Mr. O’Connell made the first motion to accept and Mr. Cunningham made the second motion; all in favor.
2) Jeffrey Janvrin (30 Forest Street) – DEP File No. 050-948 to construct single-family home with associated utilities. Chairman Packer conducted a site visit and found this project to be in substantial compliance and recommends issuance of the Certificate of Compliance. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. Cunningham made the second motion; all in favor.
Chairman Packer made a motion to close the public hearings, Mr. Streeter made the first motion and Mr. O’Connell made the second motion; all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm
Pursuant to the 'Open Meeting Law,' G.L. 39, § 23B, the approval of these minutes by the Commission constitutes a certification of the date, time and place of the meeting, the members present and absent, and the actions taken at the meeting. Any other description of statements made by any person, or the summary of the discussion of any matter, is included for the purpose of context only, and no certification, express or implied, is made by the Commission as to the completeness or accuracy of such statements.