Conservation Meeting Minutes
Town Hall - 25 High Road
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 7:00 pm
Meeting Opened at 7:02 pm
Present: Les Jones, John Hartnett, Dan Streeter, John O’Connell, Jim Cunningham
Excused: Doug Packer, Wothern H. Taylor III
Review/Approval of Minutes from October 19, 2010 meeting: amended to include an addition to Russell Krauser (39 Southern Blvd.) as a result of the site visit held Monday 10/25/10 at 4:00 to include that during the site visit, that plantings will be allowed with modification as described in the Determination of Applicability.
Fred Jackman (68 Green Street) – A continued NOI for roadway maintenance, drainage, ditches, utility pole installation and wetland mitigation at the junction of Emery Lane/Plummer’s Lane/Low Street. Mr. Jackman is still in litigation with regard to this parcel and would like to continue this hearing to the next meeting date. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept to continue, Mr. Streeter made the second motion; all in favor.
Michael Kellan (8 39th Street) – A continued NOI to construct a single-family home and to extend driveway on the ROW to provide access to the subject property. The applicant was not present, thus the Commission recommended a continuance. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept to continue, Mr. Hartnett made the second motion; all in favor.
Leonard Dobson (38 Old Point Road) – A continued NOI to construct a two-story addition over existing deck. Mr. Dobson is still in litigation with regard to this dwelling and would like to continue this hearing to the next meeting date. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept to continue, Mr. Cunningham made the second motion; all in favor.
Brian Abt (9 16th Street) – A continued NOI to replace existing retaining wall and posts supporting an existing deck. Mr. Abt stated that he has received a DEP File No. and comments from DEP. The overall consensus was that DEP’s comments were unrelated to the wetlands protection act and more under the jurisdiction of the State Building Code 780 CMR. There were neither abutters present nor anyone else who wanted to speak on this project. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept as presented and Mr. Hartnett made the second motion; all in favor.
John Feather & Dorothy Brooks (56 Fordham Way) – A continued NOI to replace/repair existing fence and create driveway access to external storage area. The applicant was not present, thus the Commission recommended a continuance. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept to continue, Mr. Cunningham made the second motion; all in favor.
Mass Wind LLC (8 Middle Road) – A continued RDA for the construction of three wind turbines. The applicant was not present, thus the Commission recommended a continuance. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept to continue, Mr. Cunningham made the second motion; all in favor.
Robert Colfer (30 Old Point Road) – A continued RDA to replace existing stairs. Applicant was not present at October 16th hearing and was continued. Mr. Colfer presented the project and stated it was a straight replacement with no additional footprint. The Commission asked the applicant to provide photos of the existing conditions and a drawing of the proposed work. There were neither abutters present nor anyone else who wanted to speak on this project. Mr. Hartnett made the first motion to accept with the condition that the applicant provided photos of existing and a drawing of the proposed work, Mr. Jones made the second motion; all in favor.
D. John Robinson (78 Southern Blvd.) – An RDA to add gravel to existing driveway. Ms. Elizabeth Delaney, fiancé of the applicant, represented the applicant D. John Robinson. Ms. Delaney shared a photo, which was added to the record, of the existing conditions. Mr. Robinson would like to re-gravel existing driveway; the proposed work will decrease, not increase current footprint. There were neither abutters present nor anyone else who wanted to speak on this project. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. Hartnett made the second motion; all in favor.
North Reading Transportation (90 Hanover Street) – An RDA to place a rap immediately around existing building. Representative Jack McQuilkin presented on behalf of the applicant John McCarthy who was not present. Mr. McQuilkin opened with the statement of the prior owner, Red MacDonald, confirmed he had paved with asphalt, a few areas that were discovered during the assessment of the parking lot. They would like to remove and take off-site 13,634 sf of asphalt and place 13,621 sf of 3” rap around building that will pitch down to porous pavement. Mr. McQuilkin stated that the rap would be cleaner than dirt and the site would have les dust; the storm water flow would be faster, but cleaner. There was some discussion amongst the Commission members as whether a course binder mix would be better,
as it would slow the flow of water; it was agreed that coupled with grading would be a better solution for the site. Mr. Streeter stated there seemed to be some inconsistencies with the existing and proposed sf of the project, versus what was approved under the Order of Conditions; Mr. McQuilkin was to provide some clarity on that. The Commission also asked about the existing BMP’s versus the proposed; Mr. McQuilkin was also going to provide some calculations. Because the cost of the binder would be about 2X higher than the rap, Mr. McQuilkin was asked whether he wanted to continue the hearing to consult with the applicant or whether he wanted a decision from the Commission; he opted for a decision. They would be before the Planning Board on November 17th and the Selectmen on November 23rd. There were neither abutters present nor anyone else who wanted to speak on this project. Mr. Jones made the first motion to
accept with the following conditions (1) subject to owner’s approval and (2) pave up to 3” of an course ¾” (max) binder material and (3) at no time will they be allowed to pit. Mr. Hartnett made the second motion; all in favor.
Certificate of Compliance:
1) Judith Hughes (10 43rd Street) – DEP File No. 050-1001 for construction of a new home. An
As-Built was provided with the request and Conservation Agent Packer conducted a site visit with the
Building Commissioner and find the project to be in substantial compliance and recommends the issuance
of a Certificate. Mr. Jones made the first motion to accept and Mr. Cunningham made the second motion;
all in favor.
2) Elizabeth Stone (223 Middle Road) – DEP File No. 050-1011 for a septic upgrade - Withdraw
Other Business:
1) Scotland Road LLC (Martin Burns) – Jill Mann and Richard Williams presented both a Yield Plan (large circle @ 2000 foot long road) and a Definitive OSRD Plan (double lollipop @ 1400 ft long road). They are before us to present preliminary ideas and obtain feedback from the Commission prior to coming before the Planning Board. There is a Zone A Drinking water flow to the Artichoke for which they kept their project outside a 400 foot radius and 200-feet from stream. Generally speaking there will be a combination of 15 single-family and two duplex homes that will be subject to storm water management and a common septic system, flowing by gravity to pump system and a gravity flow to the leaching system; note however that each lot will have a filtration system, in addition to two locations within the sub-division.
There will be a private well for each home. There is nothing on the plan that is in excess of 5,000 feet of fill. There will be a necessity for some wetland crossings and the vegetation under the wetland crossing would need to be altered and thus mitigated. Newbury resident Michelle Roscoe was present and posed some wetland, National Heritage and water related questions to the Presenters. It is expected that this project will come forward in the form of an application in the February/March time period.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30
Respectfully submitted, Susan Noyes