Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2008 7:00 pm
Fred Jackman (68 Green Street) – A continued NOI for roadway maintenance, drainage, ditches, utility pole installation and wetland mitigation at the junction of Emery Lane/Plummer’s Lane/Low Street. On January 8, the Conservation Commission received a request for continuance from the Jackman’s until the February 19, 2008 meeting date. So granted, all in favor.
Mattiades & Phyllis Tzitzenikos (30 Annapolis Way) – A continued NOI for the construction of a single-family home. On January 15, Port Engineering, on behalf of the Tzitzenikos, requested a continuance until the February 19, 2008 meeting. So granted, all in favor.
John A. Van Loan (41 Plum Island Turnpike) – A continued RDA to erect fencing and replace pallet and post under structure, relative to emergency repairs ordered by the Town of Newbury. The applicant was not present at the meeting. The Commission granted a continuance until the February 19, 2008 meeting.
Town of Newbury/Rosemary Loveday (35th Street) – An NOI to restore 35th Street.
Representative Fred Bishop along with Rosemary Loveday was present, and asked what the plan was to accomplish restoration. Chairman Packer stated that it is the responsibility of the applicant to submit a plan for review by the Commission. Mr. Bishop has spoken to Millennium Engineering, who is willing to take this project on. He also shared that any adjusted topography may affect the Water & Sewer installation for Ms. Loveday and the property of abutters. The Commission also provided a copy of the NOI signed by the Selectmen, and stated that it was submitted to DEP on Ms. Loveday’s behalf. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; abutter John Monihan stated that he was present, but he had no current comments. A request for continuance until the February 19, 2008 meeting was
requested and granted.
Marshall Jespersen (26 Orchard Street) – An NOI to construct a four-lot subdivision with associated roadway, driveways, grading, utilities, drainage and landscaping. Rich Williams of Hayes Engineering along with applicant were present and provided an overview of the project. They are working from an ANRAD on file with the Commission from 2004. A roadway for four new homes and two existing homes make conforming lots. Four other wetlands do exist; though they are not impacted by this project. Near the first BVW, they are proposing stoned trenches. For the next wetland (adjacent to track), has a culvert which will be replaced and made larger. The addition of the four lots to the existing two requires storm water management according to DEP. Chairman Packer pointed out that they
are basing the project on an expired ANRAD, are there any plans to re-flag? No, there are not, could we verify the flags are still there and if not, replace them? Hayes will take care of that. In addition, Hayes stated that DEP is incorrect in their comments on their NOI, Hayes will provide a written response to DEP on their comments, and any alternative analysis. Chairman Packer stated that there was a drainage issue mentioned by Warren Manter about build-up near the “orchard”; they may want address this in their plan. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; none came forward. A request for continuance until the February 19, 2008 meeting was requested and granted.
Bonnie Jean Toner (97 Old Point Road) – A continued NOI to raze existing single-family home and re-construct a single-family dwelling on pilings. Representative Bob Watt of Construction Advisors proved an overview of the project on behalf of the applicant Bonnie Jean Toner. It is a de-vegetated lot, and the new owner has done nothing with the dwelling. They plan to raze and reconstruct, and will re-vegetate the footprint of the existing house, and any possible additions. The utilities will be suspended in a utility shaft. Chairman Packer stated there was no means of egress off of the back deck indicated on the plan, and asked the Building Commissioner, Sam Joslin, who was present what his opinion was. Mr. Joslin stated that a means of egress would be required off of the back deck. The
Commission requested that an update to the plan be added to the file prior to the issuance of an Order. Zoning has approved the project. Chairman Packer went to the floor for abutters or questions; there was nothing additional; he then asked for a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Taylor made the first motion to accept and Mr. Jones made the second motion; all in favor.
Other Business:
Certificate of Compliance:
Keith Ablow (12 49th St) 050-614/Chairman Packer updated the Commission; the prior issues (tile/showerhead/antifreeze) have been addressed. Chairman Packer recommended the issuance of the Certificate of Compliance. Mr. Bulgaris made the first motion to accept and Mr. Hartnett made the second motion. All in favor.
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