Conservation Commission Meeting
Town Hall - 25 High Road
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 7:00 pm
Next Meeting Date: June 16, 2015
Public Hearings:
Judith Vezinat & Carole Bradley (10 Exeter Way) – A continued NOI to construct a single-family home.
Triton Regional School District (112 Elm Street) – A continued NOI for renovations to include a new6/8-lane running track with a synthetic turf field inside the track, a new grandstand, amenities building and other site improvements to include walkways, drainage and landscaping.
City of Newburyport Planning (former rail road corridor north of Parker St) – A continued NOI to construct a paved path along former railroad corridor beginning north of Parker St and extending to the municipal boundary of Newbury/Newburyport.
Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. (136 Main Street) – NOI to install a solar array
Joseph & Natalie Holtgrefe (7 Northern Blvd) – NOI to raze and reconstruct a single-family home.
Rebecca Stanizzi (5 8th Street) – NOI for deck revisions and landscape plantings.
Robert McDonnell (69 Northern Blvd) – RDA to replace footing at the northeast corner.
Stephen & Kerry Alvino (95 Old Point Road) – RDA for landscaping and reinforcement of existing gravel driveway.
Gary Litchfield (11-13 Sandy Way) – NOI to construct a single-family dwelling with utilities.
Certificates of Compliance: NONE
Emergency Certificates: NONE
Re-Issuance: NONE
Other Business:
Set special meeting for Dave Mason (4 5th Street) RDA for underground utilities and Dave Rimmer (Greenbelt) RDA for trail boardwalk