Conservation Commission Meeting
Town Hall - 25 High Road
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 7:00 pm
Next Meeting Date: November 20, 2012
Public Hearings:
Town of Newbury (6 Kent Way) – A continued NOI to construct 2 little league ball fields, 3 basketball courts, 1 skateboard area and a 55-space parking lot.
First Parish Church (100 Plum Island Tpke) – A continued NOI for a marsh restoration plan.
James Morabito (10 51st Street) – A continued RDA to replace existing shed & replace existing retaining walls.
Timothy Drost (76 Northern Blvd.) – NOI for the removeal of perimeter skirt and sand replenishment.
Richard & Julie Siemasko (104 Pine Island Road) – NOI to raze and rebuild an existing garage, install a water line and reroof/reside and existing shed.
Certificates of Compliance:
- William Manthorne (79 Elm Street) - DEP File No. 050-1065
- James Alden (42 Main Street) – DEP File No. 050-1068
- Martha Wilkins (1 Jackson Way) – DEP File No. 050-259
- Christopher Dollas/Dave Caldwell (89 Elm Street) – DEP File No. 050-1035
Other Business:
- Pearson Conservation Restriction
- Wetland Bylaw & Beach Scraping