Conservation Commission Meeting
Town Hall - 25 High Road
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 7:00 pm
Next Meeting Date: March 20, 2012
Review/Approval of available drafted minutes
Public Hearings:
Leonard Dobson (38 Old Point Road) – A continued NOI to construct a two-story addition over existing deck. 1/17/12 The Town of Newbury has been notified that the denials of the Building Commissioner and the Newbury Zoning Board of Appeals have been upheld by the Court to allow the unpermitted portion of the structure located at 38 Old Point Road, Newbury to remain. The applicant has 30 days to start the permitting process necessary for removal of the unpermitted sections.
CMF Associates, LLC (30 Northern Blvd.) – A continued NOI to construct single-family dwelling within a coastal dune.
Lawrence Sturdivant (29 & 31 Downfall Road) – A continued NOI to construct a single-family dwelling with a new common driveway as well as removing a portion of existing driveway.
Town of Newbury (6 Kent Way) – A continued NOI to construct 2 little league ball fields, 3 basketball courts, 1 skateboard area and a 55-space parking lot.
Scotland Road LLC (191 & 195 Scotland Road) – RDA to construct a driveway and associated grading
John Vincent (11 Basin Front) – NOI to repair an existing retaining wall.
John Kuzinevich (29 Southern Blvd) – NOI to install a new driveway to access property for the purpose of demolishing the condemned structure.
Henry Becker (8 Harvard Way & 57 Southern Blvd) – NOI to renovate existing six unit condo development and two-family home with associated utilities. On January 31at, the applicant’s representative Rimmer Environmental requested a continuance until the March 30, 2012 meeting date.
Jonathan Migliaccio (10 Coleman Road) – An RDA to construct a four-season porch.
Edward & Patricia Schuler (6 Independence Way East) – Raze & reconstruct single-family house.
Charlene R. Foley (9 Spring Hill Road) – NOI for the removal of stone dust and replacement with rubber mats.
Deborah York (245 High Road) – RDA to have a forestry plan approved.
Philip Capolupo (5 Fatherland Drive) – NOI to clear grub, loam and seed. Rip rap slope adjacent to existing driveway.
Certificates of Compliance:
- Scotland Woods LLC (Livingston Lane) – DEP File No. 050-670 for replication and pavement.
- John & Edith Drinkwater/Litchfield (27 Annapolis Way) – DEP File No. 050-1039 to raze & reconstruct a single-family home.
- Michael Bertolami (6 44th St) – DEP File No. 050-741 to remove first floor bedroom and add bedroom to 2nd floor.
- Aspasia Arvanties (62 Fordham Way) – DEP File NO. 050-233 to add a 12’X12’ addition
Emergency Certificate:
1. Steve St. Arneaut (54R Central St) – trenching for the repair of water service.
Extension Permit: None
Other Business:
1. Janet Forest (72 Old Point Rd) – DEP File No. 050-1005 – Driveway Treatment
2. David Santomenna (Essex County Greenbelt) – Scotland Woods LLC
Conservation Restriction
The listing of matters are as those reasonably anticipated by the Chair, which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.