AGENDA - Conservation Commission Hearings
February 19, 2008 7:00 pm
NOTE: Next Public Meeting Date Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Fred Jackman (68 Green Street) – A continued NOI for roadway maintenance, drainage, ditches, utility pole installation and wetland mitigation at the junction of Emery Lane/Plummer’s Lane/Low Street. A continuance until the March 19, 2008 meeting was requested.
Mattiades & Phyllis Tzitzenikos (30 Annapolis Way) – A continued NOI for the construction of a single-family home.
John A. Van Loan (41 Plum Island Turnpike) – A continued RDA to erect fencing and replace pallet and post under structure, relative to emergency repairs ordered by the Town of Newbury.
Town of Newbury/Rosemary Loveday (35th Street) – A continued NOI to restore 35th Street.
Marshall Jespersen (26 Orchard Street) – A continued NOI to construct a four-lot subdivision with associated roadway, driveways, grading, utilities, drainage and landscaping.
Don & Heidi Roy (2 Maple Terrace) – An NOI to remove an existing entry room frame structure, to build a kitchen expansion over existing foundation. Also construct a 3-season porch.
Berj & Antonia Terzian (90 Northern Blvd.) – An NOI for a 125 sq. ft. addition to existing single-family home and a 15X15 ft. addition to the lower deck.
Liberti Sabatino Trustee/Meadowbrook Realty Trust (191 & 195 Scotland Road) – An NOI for the development of the 28-acre parcels of land, including construction of 1,650 fee of roadway and 21 cluster type lots.
George Finigan (6 Bryn Mawr Way) – An NOI to square off existing first floor and add enclosed staircase. Also add second-floor of the same size.
Certificate of Compliance:
1. MacKay (48 Main Street) DEP File #’s 050-270 (work never commenced) and 050-679 (septic)
2. Newburyport Press (80 Hanover Street) DEP File # 050-457 (Installation of monitoring wells)
3. Allsopp Design, Inc/Jean C. Wilson (185 Middle Road) – Re-issuance of Certificate of Compliance for DEP File # 050-471 (conversion of cart road to common drive).
4. George Finigan (6 Bryn Mawr Way) – DEP File # 050-719 (construction of car port, deck and stairway)
Other Business: Beach Management Plan Review & Status Dredging/Beach Nourishment