Town of Newbury
Capital Planning Committee Meeting
Thursday, September 19, 2013 7:15AM Town Hall
Meeting Summary
Members present: Bob Connors (chair), Frank Visconti, Nick Orem(vice chair), Larry Guay. Also present Frank Remley, chairman-Finance Committee and Sam Joslin, Director of Facilities.
- June 20, 2013 meeting summary:
Minutes reviewed and unanimously approved.
- Town Administrator’s report:
No update.
- Facilities Manager’s report:
Sam Joslin provided the committee with an update on previously approved projects. Good progress has been made with several projects which have been completed and the balance of projects underway. Newbury has made great progress on differed maintenance items and now focusing on preventive maintenance tasks.
The condition of the metal roofing at the elementary school was in worse condition than previously identified. Scope has increased on repainting metal roofing. Sam did not anticipate additional funding as other tasks at the elementary school came in under budget.
The committee recognized Sam Joslin’s efforts. A quarterly report is being prepared on outstanding projects identifying completed projects and percentage of completion on remaining projects. Report should be available for review at the November meeting.
- STM proposed warrant articles review:
Request |
Dept. |
Amount |
Additional Information |
Status |
Funding |
Contact |
Turn out Gear |
Fire Dept. |
36,000.00 |
2 of 3 year replacement schedule |
ATM 2014 |
Free Cash |
Chief Pearson |
Newbury Elementary School |
Facilities |
50,000.00 |
Sys Replacement Schedule |
C.N.A. report- under review |
Land Sale Fund |
Sam Joslin |
Newbury Public Library |
Facilities |
59,410.00 |
Sys Replacement Schedule |
C.N.A. report- under review |
Land Sale Fund |
Sam Joslin |
Police Cruiser |
Police Dept. |
33,000.00 |
Scheduled replacement |
Anticipated request-under review |
Chief Reilly |
Hot Top Roller |
15,495.00 |
Proposal with trade-in offer |
Under review |
Tim Leonard |
Septic System install Manter Field |
Rec Dept. |
50,000.00 |
Complete plan set & analysis |
Under review |
Rebecca Takesian |
Central Fire Alarm receiving sys |
Fire Dept. |
80,000.00 |
Complete plan set & analysis |
Under review |
Chief Pearson |
Grange Hall Roof & Window Replacement |
Facilities |
57,000.00 |
septic-lease-sprinkler sys |
Under review |
Sam Joslin |
Professional services |
15,000.00 |
ongoing needs/system analysis |
STM warrant article |
Free Cash |
Capital Planning Committee |
Subtotal September 2013 |
395,905.0 |
The committee has received a number of equipment and capital improvement requests for review. At the June meeting, the committee voted unanimously to accept all equipment/ project requests with a cutoff date of November 1st pursuant to bylaw/manual and will review all requests at the January meeting providing time for review and completion of Form D “Capital improvement Program Detailed Project Description” and Form E “Capital Improvement Rating Sheet” to prioritize and rate all requests and review available funding and grant monies. No warrant article requests for equipment/projects requests for the STM in October.
The committee reviewed the need for ongoing professional services to assist and identify the current and future needs of the community. A motion to submit a warrant article for $15,000 for professional services fees was unanimously approved with the recommendation that funding be sourced via “Certified Free Cash”. The chair will prepare sample warrant article for Fin-Com and BOS review/action.
5. Special municipal Employees status:
The committee requested the BOS to designate CPC board members as “Special municipal Employees” pursuant to the Mass Conflict of interest statute and Mass Ethics Commission. See attachment “A” for Ethic’s commission fact sheet. BOS may want to consider extending similar designation to all other appointed board/committees. Town Administrator has previously informed the committee that town attorney has reviewed this request and no legal concern for status with regard to CPC members was presented. The Chair will request this matter be placed on the next BOS meeting agenda for action.
6. Selection of CPC fire company liaison;
The committee recognized the valuable contribution that the Private fire companies provide to the community and unanimously voted to appoint Bob Connors, chair as its liaison to the board of Fire Engineers to improve communication between CPC and the fire companies and to assist in the identification of current and future needs of the fire department with regard to operational-facility-equipment/vehicle needs-funding. Protection #2 provided a current schedule of equipment apparatus.
List of Apparatus |
PROTECTION #2 2013 |
Call Sign |
Year |
Make |
Model |
Configuration |
Purpose |
Life* |
Engine 9 |
1995 |
Pierce |
Dash |
2000gpm Waterous pump 750 gallon poly tank |
Primary Fire Suppression |
20** |
Engine 10 |
1989 |
Ford |
C8000 |
1250gpm Hale pump Holmatro Rescue Tools 1000 gallon poly water tank 50 gallon foam tank |
Primary Motor Vehicle Accident Rescue Primary Forestry Pumper Secondary Fire Suppression |
20** |
Ladder 3 |
1985 |
Seagrave |
~ |
100' Rear Mount Ladder |
Primary Fire Rescue, Ventilation & Salvage |
25 |
Rescue 20 |
2006 |
Ford |
E450 SD |
MedTec Ambulance Box |
Primary Transporting Ambulance |
20 |
Rescue 21 |
1998 |
Ford |
E450 |
Horton Ambulance Box |
Secondary Transporting Ambulance |
20 |
Tanker 2 |
1991 |
Mack |
Maxidime |
750gpm Alscot pump 5000 gallon steel tank |
Water Supply Tanker/Tender Operations |
25 |
Forestry 2 |
1999 |
Ford |
F450 |
8hp Hale pump 300 gallon poly tank |
Primary wild land/forestry urban fire suppression |
25 |
307 |
1941 |
White |
M2 |
Halftrack w/winch |
Antique Ceremonial Unit (No longer in service as fire suppression) |
N/A |
K1 |
1999 |
Chevrolet |
Tahoe |
Z71 |
Inspection and Daily Use Secondary Medical Support Vehicle |
N/A |
Squad 1 |
1998 |
Ford |
F250 |
w/Plow and Plow Frame |
Fire Support Vehicle |
N/A |
* Life expectancy of Fire apparatus. These average values are based on nationally recognized values based on the recommendations and studies from NFPA 1901, NFPA 1500, the Occupational Health & Safety Standards Association & MA OEMS recommendations |
** The recommended average life expectancy of front line pumper in communities with Rural demographics is 15-20 years. However, due to the split roles of the two engines we have in Newbury, the average life recommendation is ultimately prolonged and listed as the latter |
7. Review current policies and goals for FY14. CPC bylaw requires all requests to be submitted by November 1st of
each year. Requests made after November 1st will be held over to the following fiscal year for action. The committee will review FY14 requests at the January 16, 2014 meeting providing department heads sufficient time to submit additional information if requested. The committee has taken under advisement/review 15 action items for consideration at the October meeting. See attachment.
8. Review/establish roadway pavement/improvement policies. A general discussion was held and the recommendation to establish a roadway policy in conjunction with the Board of Selectmen, DPW and Town Administrator during the FY14 Fiscal year.
9. Review “Project Priority list”; No action required at this time.
10. Update of Approved Projects by Town Administrator/department head; No action required at this time.
11. Review CIP Planning Schedule; No action required at this time.
12. Other Business; No action required at this time.
13. Citizen’s concerns; No action required at this time.
14. Review CIP Funding v. Cash reserves for CPC projects;
Cash reserves v. CIP funding n
Cat |
gory V |
lue Re |
erve Var |
Certified Free |
Cash $ 848,26 |
0 Stabilization F |
d * $ 391,12 |
48 Land sale account (w/PI sa |
e)** $ 1,063,87 |
0 CIP |
Bond $ |
Potential CIP fun |
ing $ 1,912,14 |
C.N.A. & Replacement Expendi |
s (Identified-Anticip |
) Newbury Elementary C.N.A. (identi |
ied) $ 1,468,79 |
0 Newbury Library C.N.A. (identi |
ied) $ 797,30 |
0 Newbury Police HQ replacement (anticip |
ted) $ 3,148,24 |
0 Pending FY14 CIP requests under r |
view $ 395,9 |
00 T |
tal $ 5,810,24 |
Funding shor |
ll $ (3,898, |
Certified free cash comm |
tted $ |
Stabilization Fund comm |
tted $ |
Land sale account comm |
tted $ |
* Stabilization Funds are typically reserved for emergency shortfalls with regard to school funding and/or snow-ice deficits. **Restricted funds for capital projects-improvements
15. Public Hearings No action required at this time.
16. Communications: No action required at this time.
15. Next meeting date; Next meeting scheduled for October 17, 2013, Town Hall, 7:00 AM. 9. Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 8:40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Bob Connors, Chai |
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