January 13th 2014
Council on Aging Meeting at COA in Newbury
Meeting : Called to order 1:15
Present: Jean Doyle, Lu Ann Kuder, Joanne Hogan, Alba Gouldthrope, Joyce Machiros, Russell Pierce, Geri Dorr, Martie Joe.
Absent: Gene Smith, Evelyn Noyes
Motion made to accept last month’s minutes by Joyce and unanimous voice.
Jean Doyle immediately brought a concern to the board about armed forces medical exemption for taxes. The board of assessors had contacted her requesting paper-work for her husband disability and verification from the veterans with a specific document being filled out and file. Form DD 214. Upon further investigation it was found that veterans that served before the Korean War did not have this particular document requirement. She would like to board to clarify this to others who are in the same position. Board voted to have Martie Joe speak with the Board of Assessors regarding this matter.
Old business
We now have a paid employee who is the Meals on Wheels Driver also Steve Fram a retired pharmacist has volunteered to go with the visiting nurse to the Blood Pressure Clinics to review client’s medications. He has also volunteered to be the back-up van driver working under the tax credit for senior work off program.
Review of the Christmas Party conclusion all had a good time but Joanne recommended we have singing next year.
New Business:
Review and discuss the Bye-Laws and Mission Statement:
- To act as an advocate of the Aging
- To create, advance and improve local programs for the aging.
- To take an active interest in local, state and national affairs relating to the aged.
Also suggested adding to the board not by area but by age to specifically target certain age groups to make sure all have input.
Mission Statement:
The Newbury Council on Aging will clarify, develop, implement and advocate for programs and services designed to enhance the quality of life and independence of elders in the community and will assist all people with questions relating to aging issues.
Ideas refloated for engaging newly retired people. Possibility of a sub-committee being formed to develop a survey to target specific ages.
Jean stated she had reviewed the statement and wanted to know exactly how many people needed help.
Martie mentioned the cable spot that has been running about the Council. Joyce Machiros mentioned she has two volunteers who are retired that will help people one is a carpenter and one a electrician. She will have them contact Martie.
Reviewed on-going groups
Bridge Club has 4 members
Cribbage Group has 5
Joanne suggested we look into HAIKU she has a friend that has just published a book and would be willing to teach a class at the library.
Geri suggested Zumba
“Get to know your council” as an event where the council could showcase a volunteer table and a services table along with on going activities.
All agreed the challenge in planning classes or events is that the newsletter comes out every two months. Martie will be looking at ways to make the Local Cable Station an avenue for upcoming activities.
Martie clarified the role of the friends of the council when it comes to funding programs they will provide start-up costs but not sustain events.
Martie stated the people that the van takes grocery shopping weekly has asked if they could be taken to the library every 2 or 3 weeks.