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COA Meeting Minutes 3-25-2013
                           Newbury COA Board of Directors
                                  March 25, 2013

Attendance:                     Members:        LuAnn Kuder and  Russ Pierce,
Guest:                  Martie Joe, Alba Goldthorope            
Absent:                                            Gene Smith, Joe Lojek, Jean Doyle, Dick Joy, Evelyn Noyes      

LuAnn Kuder called the meeting to order at 1:10
Minutes of February 25th meeting were approved as written.

Old Business:
        Regularly Scheduled Activities:
        Men’s Breakfast- attendance is low 4-5 men
        Guest Chef Luncheon-continues to be popular with 18-24 regular attendees
        Blood pressure clinics draw 6 or so at each of the 3 housings. Great way to do
        A wellness check while there.
        Other activities (bridge, cribbage and scrabble) have 4 to 6 regular attendees

New Business.
        Martie invited all the individuals that were mentioned to recruit for board members
To this meeting, but only Alba Goldthorpe attended. Kay Filmore stated she is not interested, Michelle Papanicalou’s phone number is not in service, Rosemary Rodie was left a message, as well as Claire Nicolosi.  Joyce Machiros had intentions on coming but had an unforeseen scheduling conflict. Elizabeth Armstrong said she would consider and get back to me.

Brief discussion about establishing an Elder Care Fund to assist an elder who may be in acute financial need to pay for prescriptions, food, fuel, shelter or other forms of basic necessity when no other funding source is available.  Since there was not a quorum, it was tabled for a formal discussion and vote when a quorum is present.

Discussion with Alba about the Board and its mission and whether or not she might consider being a member.

Meeting adjourned at 1:45

Next Meeting
Monday, April 22, 2013