DATE: November 24, 2015
PRESENT: Chairman Geoffrey Walker, Selectman Damon Jespersen and Selectwoman Alicia Greco
Motion: At 7:03 p.m. a motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman
Greco to open the meeting. Chairman Walker called the meeting to order with the salute to the
Chairman Walker welcomed Boy Scout Troop 44 and Scout Leader, Eric Towne to the meeting. The troop is working on their Citizenship in the Community and Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badges.
Board and Committee Reports
- Eric Svahn, Chair, Municipal Building Committee – Update
Eric Svahn was not able to attend the meeting as planned.
New Business:
Appointment of Diana J. Lord, 67 Central Street, Byfield, MA to the Cultural Council
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to appoint Diana J. Lord to the Cultural Council.
Request for Public Property Use:
Town of Newbury Municipal Fire Department – Christmas tree lighting at Upper Green, November 29, 2015 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to approve the request of the Town of Newbury Municipal Fire Department Christmas tree lighting at Upper Green, November 29, 2015 1:00 p.m. (set-up) to 7:00 p.m. with Tree Lighting at 3:30 p.m.
Donald Jarvis – Operation Warming Hearts, 53 Highfield Rd. Newbury – Toy drive on the Upper Green in partnership with Newbury Christmas tree lighting and Newbury Municipal Fire Department, Sunday, November 29, 2015, time to be determined.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to approve the request of Donald Jarvis – Operation Warming Hearts, 53 Highfield Rd. Newbury – Toy drive on the Upper Green in partnership with Newbury Christmas tree lighting and Newbury Municipal Fire Department, Sunday, November 29, 2015, time to be determined.
Donald Jarvis – Newbury Graves Registration Officer – Request to use Upper Green, Saturday, December 12, 2015, 11:30 a.m. through Saturday, January 12, 2016, 5:00 p.m. for Veteran Wreath Fundraiser/Wreath Ceremony/Wreath Display
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to approve the request of Donald Jarvis – Newbury Graves Registration Officer – Request to use Upper Green, Saturday, December 12, 2015, 11:30 a.m. through Saturday, January 12, 2016, 5:00 p.m. for Veteran Wreath Fundraiser/Wreath Ceremony/Wreath Display
Public Hearings
Motion: At 7:15 p.m. a motion to open the Public Hearing was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously. The Legal Notice for the Public Hearing was read by Selectman Jespersen.
In accordance with Chapter 369, Acts of 1982, Section 1, Principal Assessor, Michelle Branciforte made a presentation for the determination of the percentage of tax levy to be borne by each class of real property for FY16. Following her presentation:
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously for the Board of Selectmen to sign the Department of Revenue, LA5 Classification Tax Allocation Document, retain the Uniform Tax Rate for Fiscal year 2016 with a Residential Factor of 1, and not to adopt the Residential Exemption.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to authorize Town Administrator, Tracy Blais to sign the LA-5 on the DOR Gateway System on their behalf.
Motion: At 7:30 p.m., a motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to close the Public Hearing.
New Business:
One-day Liquor License – Protection Fire Company No. 2., Saturday, November 28th, Firemen’s Hall, 3 Morgan Ave, Carrasquillo Family Party, 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to approve the One-day Liquor License – Protection Fire Company No. 2., Saturday, November 28th, Firemen’s Hall, 3 Morgan Ave, Carrasquillo Family Party, 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Vote to Adopt 2 Investment Policy Statements as follows:
IPS - Investment of General Funds, Special Revenue Funds, Enterprise Funds and Capital Project Funds
IPS – OPEB (Other Post- Employment Benefits) Trust’s investment objectives, performance goals, and risk tolerance
Town Administrator, Tracy Blais explained that the adoption of the two written Investment Policies is part of formalizing the Community Compact Best Practices for the Town of Newbury.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to adopt the two (2) Investment Policies.
Old Business:
The Board of Health is considering instituting a $300.00 fine for littering town-wide and has therefore asked for a vote of confidence from the Selectmen.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco to give the Board of Health the requested vote of confidence to raise the littering fine from $100 to $300 town-wide.
Selectwoman Greco thought the increase was steep and suggested obtaining information about the fines in surrounding communities. She felt further information should be required about how the fines would be enforced.
Selectman Jespersen felt the increase seemed steep but thought it may be required, especially to deter littering at the Center of Plum Island.
Chairman Walker felt he needed to review the Littering By-law more thoroughly. He felt the by-law could be more effective if established as a stepped by-law, with offences becoming more expensive as they occurred.
Police Chief Michael Reilly explained that there is a serious problem on Plum Island with people cleaning up after their dogs and leaving waste at the Island Center. He stated that a heavy fine may be a deterrent to littering.
Following discussion:
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to table the Board of Health request for a vote of confidence until the full Board of Selectmen could meet and further discuss together.
Julie Bokat, Fuel Training Studio, 75 Merrimac St. Newburyport, MA 01950 – 1/2 Marathon Road Race, Change of Date from Sunday, June 12, 2016 to May 16, 2016 from 9:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and
voted unanimously to approve the request of Julie Bokat, Fuel Training Studio, 75 Merrimac St. Newburyport, MA 01950 – 1/2 Marathon Road Race, Change of Date from Sunday, June 12, 2016 to May 16, 2016 from 9:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Change of Venue for 4/26/16 Annual Town Meeting from Newbury Elementary School gym to Triton High School Auditorium.
Town Administrator, Tracy Blais reported that auditorium at Triton High School is currently available for the date of the Annual Town Meeting, 4/26/16. The auditorium can accommodate 850 people and parking exists for 420 cars. There is no rental fee but the Town would be required to pay custodian over-time of $30.00 per hour after 10:00 p.m. Technical support would be required at $30.00 per hour.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco to change the venue for the Annual Town Meeting from Newbury Elementary School gym to Triton High School Auditorium.
Selectman Jespersen stated that for comparison purposes, he would like to know how many people Newbury Elementary School Auditorium can accommodate. He reported that during the resident coffee hour held at Town Hall on 11/21 several people said that having the Boards and Committees elevated on stage above the audience was intimidating.
Chairman Walker stated that he felt keeping consistency was important in Town Government, especially for important decisions coming up in the spring pertaining to the Police and Town Hall facilities.
Town Administrator, Tracy Blais reported that the spring Annual Town Meeting is scheduled to be held at Newbury Elementary School Gym, not in the auditorium.
Selectwoman Greco reported that the Media Committee has asked that the Town consider moving to the Triton High School Auditorium for acoustical reasons. The committee feels that the auditorium has better acoustics and is better equipped. Problems have been encountered in the past in setting up the sound system at Newbury Elementary School Gym.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to table the change of venue discussion for the 4/26/16 Annual Town until the full Board can meet again to discuss the possibility.
Citizen’s Concerns:
James Moran of 104 Elm Street who had attended the Municipal Building Committee meeting of November 17, 2015, shared his thought s with the Board of Selectmen. He is in support of construction of a new Police Department but not in support of demolishing Town Hall and constructing a combined building for the Police Department and Town Hall in its place.
All correspondence was reviewed.
Old Business:
Sign Street Acceptance Plan for Livingston Lane
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously that the Selectmen, on behalf of the Town of Newbury, accept the conveyance of the street known as “Livingston Lane” located in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, as shown on a plan entitled “Street Acceptance Plan, Livingston Lane, Newbury, MA dated February 20, 2015, prepared by Hayes Engineering, Inc., as authorized by vote under Article 15 of the Newbury Special Town Meeting held on October 20, 2015, and sign said “Street Acceptance Plan” and Deed.
Selectman Jespersen did not attend the 11/10/15 Board of Selectmen Meeting.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to table the review of the 11/10/15 to the 11/24/15 Board of Selectmen meeting.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to sign the warrants as presented.
Meeting Updates:
Selectman Jespersen reported that 18 residents attended the re-scheduled coffee hour held 11/21. Several residents shared concerns about the possible, future Town purchase of property located on Cottage Rd. Residents would like the town to consider giving right of first refusal to Essex Co. Greenbelt or Trustees of Reservations.
The request for the Board to endorse a letter to close Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant was brought to Selectman Jespersen’s attention. The letter previously signed by the Board of Selectmen was presented to Selectmen Jespersen.
Residents discussed Plum Island Beach and also how to bring the community of Newbury back together instead of identifying with three separate areas of Old Town, Byfield and Plum Island.
To help inform residents, Selectman Jespersen led a discussion about how the Free Cash Account works.
Residents were pleased with the coffee hour. It was suggested that coffee hours be held at the library and also at PITA Hall.
Executive Session: No Executive Session
Town Administrators Report:
Town Administrator, Tracy Blais reported that a letter of thanks had been received by Brian Forget and Superintendent Farmer thanking the Newbury Fire Department for the response during the recent water main break.
Ms. Blais and Council of Aging Director, Martie Joe met and interviewed 4 candidates for the position of Council of Aging Director. Qualifications were evaluated and a selection will be made by the end of the week which will allow Martie Joe to help with the transition.
Notification was received from MIIA that the Town had received a $5,000 grant for the purchase of a Trench Box for the DPW Department. A $19,000 incentive grant was received by the Police Department for their dispatch communications center software. The grant will also allow them to pay wages for personnel.
The Town Hall sewer connection project is complete and functioning properly. The initial appropriation for the project was $500,000. The entire appropriation was not spent and therefore the balance of over $154,000 will revert to free cash.
The countdown for removal of the trailers continues. The two trailers located in the Town Hall and Police Station parking lots must be removed in 7 months. Solutions are being investigated and discussed.
The Town records stored in the trailers at the Transfer Station continue to rapidly deteriorate.
As the Christmas and New Year Holidays both fall on a Friday, Town Hall will be closed Thursday, 12/24 and Thursday 12/31 in observance of those holidays.
Motion: At 8:47 p.m. a motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Jameson
Executive Administrator