Date: May 26, 2015
Present: Chairman, Geoffrey Walker, Selectmen Damon Jespersen, J.R. Colby and Alicia Greco
Motion: A motion was made by Chairman Walker, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to call the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the salute to the flag.
Board and Committee Reports:
Selectwoman Greco reported that the Media Committee has created and is currently broad casting a new educational channel, Newbury Channel 8. The new channel will feature content pertaining to the Newbury, Triton Regional and Whittier Regional Technical Schools and School Committee meetings. Ms. Greco also reported that a rebroadcast of the video tour of the deplorable conditions of the Police Station will soon be shown on the Newbury cable channel.
Town Administrators Report:
Town Administrator, Tracy Blais reported that the Annual Town Meeting was held on May 19th. There is an excess levy capacity of $53.00. As the debt authorization for the public safety facility passed Town Meeting, she obtained a written legal opinion from Bond Counsel to understand exactly how long the Board of Selectmen has to call a special ballot election. She reported that it can be held no later than September 15th.
Correspondence was received from Maureen Heffernan regarding an interest in the open School Committee seat. The normal process would be for the Board of Selectmen to meet with the Newbury School Committee Representatives. The position will be appointed by the Board of Selectmen for a 1 year term until the next election. Other residents that may be interested are asked to contact the Board of Selectmen.
Ms. Blais reported that the temporary, leased replacement trailers would be delivered on Wednesday, May 27th. Carpenters, electricians and technical support have been lined up by Building Commissioner Sam Joslin to begin the set-up for occupancy. The smaller of the two trailers will be set up in the main Town Hall parking lot. The larger will be set up in the Police Department parking lot. The sewer connection project will go out for bid this summer therefore the employee parking lot was required to be left open. Parking issues are anticipated for the summer. Ms. Blais is working with Protection #2 to see if parking overflow could be directed to their lot.
The date of September 15th for a special ballot election was discussed further. The Board of Selectmen unanimously support holding a special ballot election but agreed that more time was required to further educate the public about the criticality of need for a public safety facility. Therefore, the Board supports the September 15th date for the special election. A date will be set at the June 9th Board of Selectmen meeting.
Mark Gleckman of 28 Riverview Drive reported to Selectmen that a political action committee has formed in an effort to gain voter support and move the public safety facility initiative forward. As the organizer of the PAC he said that he has already been contacted by several people who are interested in giving their time and effort to help move the project forward. He hopes more will contact him as the word spreads. He can be contacted at He advocates for an election held after Labor Day so as not to disenfranchise those voters that may be
on vacation.
Town Administrator, Tracy Blais reported that paving was scheduled to begin on Wednesday, May 27th on Hay Street, Green Street and Boston Road.
New Business:
Review, approve and sign – 2015 new Business Licenses as follows:
Jennifer Wright dba Healing Hearts with Horses, 18 Hay St, Newbury, Therapeutic riding lessons/riding lessons
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and
voted unanimously to approve the new Business License for Jennifer Wright.
Edward S. Suprin dba Suprin’s Driving School, 96 Newburyport Turnpike, Newbury
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and
voted unanimously to approve the new Business License for Edward S. Suprin.
Review, approve and sign a Business License renewal as follows:
Julian R. Geiger dba Blue, The Inn on the Beach, 20 Fordham Way, Newbury, Parking Lot, 11 Fordham Way, (U01-0-26), Newbury
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to approve the Business License renewal for Julian R. Geiger.
Letter of request from Edward M. Rock, 52 Central St. Byfield to waive the March 1, 2015 deadline of receipt for resident Commercial Clamming Permits
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to waive the late filing deadline for Edward M. Rock..
Review and approve Commercial Clam Permit Application for the 2015-2016 season from Edward M. Rock, 52 Central St. Byfield
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to approve the Commercial Clam Permit Application for Edward M. Rock.
One-day Liquor Licenses – Mercury Brewery and Distribution Company, Inc. – Sunday May 31, Sunday June 7, Sunday June 28, Sunday, July 12 and Sunday July 26, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Vintage Base Ball at Spencer Pierce Little Farm, 2 Little’s Lane, Newbury
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to grant the One-day Liquor Licenses for Mercury Brewing and Distribution Company, Inc. – Sunday May 31, Sunday June 7, Sunday June 28, Sunday, July 12 and Sunday July 26, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Vintage Base Ball at Spencer Pierce Little Farm, 2 Little’s Lane, Newbury
One-day Liquor License – Ipswich Ale Brewery – Saturday, June 27, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Byfield Music and Arts Festival, Manter Field, 81 Central St., Byfield
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to approve the One-day Liquor License for Ipswich Ale Brewery Saturday, June 27, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Byfield Music and Arts Festival, Manter Field, 81 Central St., Byfield.
At 7:30 p.m. Selectman Colby and Selectwoman Greco recused themselves from the discussion regarding Borrego Solar Systems, Inc - Continued from March 24 2015 Special Permit Hearing for a proposed 2.795 mW (DC) Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation on proerty locatred at 136 Main Street. Selectman Colby and Selectwoman Greco left the hearing room.
Chairman Walker read a letter dated May 22, 2015 addressed to the Board of Selectmen from Steve Long of Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. respectfully requesting that the Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. application be withdrawn without prejudice.
New Business continued:
One-day Liquor License – The Governor’s Academy, 1 Elm St., Byfield – Reunion 2015 – Friday, June 5, 2015 and Saturday, June 6, 2015
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to approve the One-day Liquor Licenses for The Governor’s Academy, 1 Elm St., Byfield – Reunion 2015 – Friday, June 5, 2015 and Saturday, June 6, 2015
Heidi Fram, Byfield Community Arts Center – Request for property use at Manter Field, 81 Central St., Byfield, from 9:00 a.m. on Friday, June 26 through 4:00 p.m. on Sunday June 28, 2015 to host the Byfield Music and Arts Festival in partnership with Fusion Blue Productions
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to approve Byfield Community Arts Center – Request for property use at Manter Field, 81 Central St., Byfield, from 9:00 a.m. on Friday, June 26 through 4:00 p.m. on Sunday June 28, 2015 to host the Byfield Music and Arts Festival in partnership with Fusion BlueProductions.
Heidi Fram, Byfield Community Arts Center – Request to display a banner on the backstop from Monday, June 1 through Monday, June 29, 2015 advertising the Byfield Music and Arts Festival, June 27, 2015 at Manter Field
Following discussion, the Selectman agreed to allow the display of the banner with the contingency that the time limit for advertising on the backstop may be for two weeks only. This will be determined following the meeting.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to approve Byfield Community Arts Center – Request to to display a banner on the backstop from Monday, June 1 through Monday, June 29, 2015 advertising the Byfield Music and Arts Festival, June 27, 2015 at Manter Field with the contingency that the time limit may be two weeks only.
Stan Dixon, American Hand Fire Engine Society – Request for use of Upper Green for Firemen’s Muster, Saturday, July 25, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to approve the American Hand Fire Engine Society – Request for use of Upper Green for a Firemen’s Muster, Saturday, July 25, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Diana Falhive, Neurofibromatois Northeast, 9 Bedford St., Burlington – Requeest permission to include Newbury on the route for the 5th Annual Coast to the Cure bike ride to benefit Neurofibromatosis Northeast on Saturday, September 12, 2015 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to approve the Neurofibromatois Northeast, 9 Bedford St., Burlington – Requeest permission to include Newbury on the route for the 5th Annual Coast to the Cure bike ride to benefit Neurofibromatosis Northeast on Saturday, September 12, 2015 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Discussion of vacant School Committee Seat:
Selectwoman Greco thanked the voters in the Town of Newbury for electing her to the position of Selectwoman and School Committee member. She respectfully declined the seat on the School Committee. Town Administrator, Tracy Blais confirmed that the vacancy will be appointed by the Board of Selectmen for a one year term until the next election.
Declaration of condemned trailers as surplus:
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously to declare the condemned trailers as surplus.
Vote of Board of Selectmen for reorganization of the Board:
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to table the reorganization to the next meeting.
Old Business:
Discuss moving the date for Town Meeting to before the Town Election:
Town Administrator, Tracy Blais reported she had an opportunity to meet with Town Counsel regarding the issue. The way the Newbury Bylaws are written allow the Board of Selectmen to set the date.
The benefits to the voters as explained by Selectman Jespersen include an opportunity to discuss the issues on the ballot with the voters before the actual ballot vote. The Annual Meeting caps what the Town is working on, allowing for a culmination of each year prior to the election.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to move the Annual Town Meeting to the last Tuesday in April.
All correspondence was reviewed.
The minutes of the April 28th Board of Selectmen Meeting will be presented at the June 9th Board of Selectmen meeting for approval.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to approve the Warrants as presented. Warrants presented were signed by the Board of Selectmen.
Meeting updates:
Selectmen Jespersen and the Board discussed changing the Board of Selectmen term from a 3 year term to a 5 year term with one member being elected each year. He explained that there is a big investment of time and energy needed to get up to speed. Other boards, such as the Planning Board, have a five year term. Further consideration will be given to this idea. The change in term would require a charter change and would require Town Meeting
Executive Session: No Executive session
Motion: At 9:32 p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectwoman Greco and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Jameson
Executive Administrator