Town of Newbury
Board of Selectmen
Date: April 14, 2015
Present: Chairman, Geoffrey Walker, Selectmen, Chuck Bear, Damon Jespersen, and J.R. Colby
Motion: A motion was made by Chairman Walker, seconded by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously to call the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the salute to the flag.
Board and Committee Reports: No Board or Committee Reports
Citizen’s Concerns: No citizen’s concerns
Town Administrator’s Report: No Town Administrator report
New Business:
American Diabetes Association, New England, Framingham, MA, – North Shore Tour de Cure bicycle ride, May 17, 2015 – Request to ride through Newbury and use Newbury Upper Green for a rest stop from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Explanation of event was given by Steve Dumas of the North Shore Tour de Cure Planning Committee.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Colby and
voted unanimously to approve the request of the American Diabetes Association New England, Framingham, MA, – North Shore Tour de Cure bicycle ride, May 17, 2015, to ride through Newbury and use Newbury Upper Green for a rest stop from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m
North Shore Cyclists, Topsfield, MA - Blazing Saddles Century riding event, August 15, 2015 – Request to use Newbury Upper Green for a rest stop, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Explanation of event was given by Jim White of North Shore Cyclists.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the request of North Shore Cyclists, Topsfield, MA, Blazing Saddles Century riding event, August 15, 2015, to use Newbury Upper Green for a rest stop, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Massachusetts Audubon Society, Inc., Joppa Flats Education Center, 1 Plum Island Turnpike, Newburyport, MA – Request to clean up trash along Plum Island Turnpike during the Mass Audubon’s Statewide Volunteer Day, Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the request of Massachusetts Audubon Society, Inc., Joppa Flats Education Center to clean up trash
along Plum Island Turnpike during the Mass Audubon’s Statewide Volunteer Day, Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Request of Erica Jacobsen & Elaina Sayles, Newbury Elementary School PTA, to use the Town Hall Meeting Room, Thursday, May 7th at 7:00 p.m. for a Voter Information Night. Explanation of the event was given by Erica Jacobsen of the Finance Committee.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the request of Erica Jacobsen & Elaina Sayles, Newbury Elementary School PTA to use the Town Hall Meeting Room, Thursday, May 7th at 7:00 p.m. for a Voter Information Night
Review, approve and sign – 2015 NEW Business License as follows: Paula Garrant, MSW, LICSW, dba Seascape Therapeutic Counseling & Consulting, 19 Central St., 2nd Floor, Suite B, Byfield, MA
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and
voted unanimously to approve the new business license for Paula Garrant, MSW, LICSW, dba
Seascape Therapeutic Counseling & Consulting.
Review, approve and sign – 2015 Business License renewal as follows: Karen Candeas dba Karen’s Dog Grooming of Plum Island, 49 Northern Blvd., Newbury, MA
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the Business License renewal for Karen Candeas dba Karen’s Dog Grooming of Plum Island.
Request of Plum Island Beachcoma, 23 Plum Island Blvd, to have live music on Saturday evening, May 30th from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Following an appeal hearing for Cathy Pugh, Plum Island Beachcoma on 12/16/2014, Docket #14-1459,The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Public Safety, Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRC) concluded with the Board’s Decision on Appeal, dated 1/30/15, “ Accordingly, based on the specific facts of the Appeal, the Board considered a motion to allow a variance, to overturn the Building Commissioner’s determination; and to affirm that the uses as described herein constitute a restaurant and not a night club under 780 CMR 303.1.1, allowing the entertainment proposed for Sundays from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (“Motion”) . The Motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Following discussion with Building Commissioner, Sam Joslin and Cathy Pugh of Plum Island Beachcoma, the Board of Selectmen requested that Cathy Pugh contact the Board of Building Regulations and Standards, (BBRC) for information and clarification as to whether further entertainment can be held at the Beachcoma beyond the approved ruling for Sundays from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to table the request to the April 28th Board of Selectmen Meeting.
One-day Liquor License – Protection Fire Co. #2 – Bridal Shower for Meghan Knowltan, Saturday May 2, 2015 from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the One-day Liquor License – Protection Fire Co. #2 – Bridal Shower for Meghan Knowltan,
Saturday May 2, 2015 from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Vote to sign Annual Election Warrant
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve and sign the Annual Election Warrant.
Discussion of appointment of the Board Fire Engineers
An explanation of the structure of the Board of Fire Engineers was given by Fire Chief, Nathan Walker.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to accept applicants to the Board of Fire Engineers.
Discussion of creation of hand out of informational booklet for override votes
Town Counsel Ginny Kremer gave an explanation to the Board about the legalities and rules set by the DOR governing proposition 2 ½ overrides. As the Information Night for Voters, to be organized by Finance Committee Member Erica Jacobsen and Newbury Elementary School PTA President, Elaina Sayles was approved for Thursday, May 7th; Selectman Bear withdrew his proposal for the creation of an informational booklet for override votes.
All correspondence was reviewed.
Old Business:
Selectman Jespersen reminded Selectmen that following the Election, a Board liaison should be appointed to the Master Planning Committee.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the March 24, 2015 and March 31, 2015 Board of Selectmen Meetings and the Executive Session of March 24, 2015, as presented.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the Warrants as presented. Warrants presented were signed by The Board of Selectmen.
Meeting Updates:
Selectman Jespersen updated the Board about a meeting he had attended with Town Planner, Martha Taylor, Planning Board Member, Richard Moss and Town Administrator, Tracy Blais regarding the installation of solar on
the Town’s landfill. A formulation for setting up a payment schedule, allowing the town to receive more revenue was explained. He reported that plans are underway to place projects out to bid for solar on the Town’s landfill. Selectman Jespersen also explained that the net metering cap set by the State has been reached by municipalities. He suggested that contact with Massachusetts officials encouraging them to raise the cap may be beneficial.
Executive Session:
At 8:00 p.m. Chairman Walker stated that an Executive Session will be held to investigate charges of criminal misconduct or to consider the filing of criminal complaints. Chairman Walker announced that the meeting would not reconvene at the conclusion of the Executive Session.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Colby to enter into executive session. A roll call vote was taken: Chairman Walker, yes; Selectman Bear, yes; Selectman Jespersen, yes;
Selectman Colby, yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Jameson
Executive Administrator