Town of Newbury
Board of Selectmen
Date: March 10, 2015
Present: Chairman, Geoffrey Walker, Selectmen, Chuck Bear, Damon Jespersen, and J.R. Colby
Chairman, Geoffrey Walker, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the salute to the flag.
Board and Committee Reports:
Prior to setting the agenda for the Annual Town Meeting, Larry Guay, Chairman of the Capital Planning Committee, gave an interim update of activities and capital expenditures that have come before and which have been reviewed and voted on by the Capital Planning Committee. The Capital Planning Committee FY16 requests include:
- Turn out Gear for the Fire Department $ 36,000.00 Approved Prior Year
- Public Safety/Town Hall Facility $526,150.00 Approved 1-15-2015
- Town Hall Sewer Connection $750,000.00 Approved 1-15-2015
- Cruiser Replacement $ 35,960.00 Approved 1-15-2015
- Emergency Management ATV $ 16,442.00 Approved 1-15-2015
- Boat Ramp Replacement $ 25,000.00 Approved 1-15-2015
- Council on Aging van $ 58,500.00 Pending
- Manter Field House $200,000.00 Pending
- Triton Stadium Project $ 80,000.00 Approved 1-15-2015
- Digital Voting Machines $ 13,000.00 Pending
Total requests for FY2016: $1,741,052.00
Citizen’s Concerns: No citizen’s concerns
Public Hearings: No Public Hearings
Town Administrator’s Report:
Town Administrator, Tracy Blais, reported that as of late Sunday, 3/8/2015, reports were received that the Plum Island sewer system was fully operational. The Town is grateful for the patience the impacted residents demonstrated throughout the event and for the coordinated effort the City of Newburyport was able to orchestrate under the direction of Mayor Holaday.
Ms. Blais reported that to date, the Snow and Ice Account deficit is exceeding $120,000.00. The deficit will be placed on the Special Town Meeting Warrant. The Special Town Meeting will be held before the Annual Town Meeting on May 19th. A request will be made to cover the deficit with a transfer from Free Cash.
Budget development is progressing well. A list of goals, created with the Selectmen during the prior year, which help to drive budget development, was reviewed. Significant goals included:
- Reinstating public safety funding /Fire and Police
- Reinstating human services funding/Council on Aging
- Identifying and planning for the public safety facility
- Purchasing the new Fire Department pumper
- Executing a lease agreement for the elementary school building
- Executing lease agreements and contracts with the two fire companies
- Updating the Capital Planning Program annually
- Conducting a comprehensive review of the Triton Regional Agreement
- Providing an inventory of town-owned roads
- Updating the 5 year road improvement program
- Updating the Master Plan and the Open Space and recreation plan
- Considering regional cooperation
- Reducing energy consumption and promoting energy conservation
- Funding Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) liability
- Maintaining a solid financial plan which includes a stabilization funding plan
- Enhancing communication with residents through increased Media Committee programing
Ms. Blais reported that the Town is in a much different position now than it has been in years past and much progress has been made. A solid financial plan is in place which includes a five-year long term plan, allowing forecasting into the future and identifying and addressing capital needs. A conversation has occurred with the Finance Committee regarding the possibility of funding a semi-annual newsletter to residents to help in making them aware of issues being dealt with.
Selectmen were asked for any further suggestions. Selectman J.R. Colby suggested the wording of ballot questions be improved and be more understandable. He has found that in speaking with voters that many people struggle to understand the ballot questions. He feels a more simplified way of wording would allow voters to better understand the questions being presented allowing them to make an informed vote. Tracy Blais explained that there are restrictions with ballot language but rationales are included in the booklet to help voters. Other opportunities to provide more information may exist. J.R. Colby asked if using the cable channel to inform residents and help them understand ballot questions would be appropriate. All agreed it was a good idea and if an information program became an annual event, it may catch on.
Ms. Blais reported that the Finance Committee met last week and gave their preliminary approval for a number of overrides that may appear on the ballot if the Board of Selectmen wish to see them move forward. The Board of Selectmen will vote during the joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee on March 31st
Preliminary budget development phase indicated that a general override for the Triton assessment would be needed. She explained that numbers came from the State last week which indicated an override may not be the case. The Town is still waiting to hear from Whittier Regional Vo-Tech and Essex Technical High Schools to receive their numbers. Therefore, a general override to fully fund the educational assessments remains in question. In the event that it is needed, the Finance Committee would recommend to the Board of Selectmen that the Town propose a general override.
The Finance Committee unanimously supported a debt exclusion override for the Triton stadium project. They unanimously supported a general override of $100,000.00 for the snow and ice removal account. Ms. Blais noted that a deficit in the snow and ice removal account has occurred for many years. Although Mass General Law will allow that, she does not feel it should be used as an excuse not to budget appropriately. Increases would be made incrementally which would allow for an adequately funded, snow and ice removal budget. The Finance Committee also supports a debt exclusion override to fund the public safety project design engineering.
Ms. Blais explained that during last year’s Annual Town Meeting, an initial appropriation of approximately $55,000.00 was made for the first year of the lease payment for the fire pumper. This year, the Finance Committee would like to propose a capital outlay expenditure exclusion override to pay off the approximately $420,000.00 balance of the fire truck.
Selectman Bear suggested that one more item be considered during the joint meeting to discuss overrides. He suggested that along with available Chapter 90 funds for roads, the funding of one road per year be considered under a one-year debt exclusion paid for in that year. He knows of another community using this formula and feels it’s a good idea to consider.
Ms. Blais reported that the Annual Municipal Priority Reporting Form was received from Senator Tarr’s Office. Any special projects the Selectmen would like to see in the State budget are prioritized and placed on the list for Senator Tarr. Tracy suggested the Plum Island emergency access routes be placed on the list. Selectman Bear suggested the Main Street bridge in Byfield and Selectman Jespersen suggested the Larkin Road Bridge be put on the list as well. The deadline for submission is March 27th.
Chief Reilly reported to Ms. Blais that Paul Thistlewood of Byfield was chosen as Shellfish Constable. His employment will begin on March 1st.
New Business:
Bill Steelmam of Essex National Heritage Commission gave a project summary and presentation on the preliminary sign plan for the “Essex Coastal Senic Byway Wayfinding Signage System. The Essex National Heritage Commission, Inc. (Essex Heritage), in cooperation with local, regional and state partners is developing a wayfinding signage system for the Essex Coastal Scenic Byway, a 90-mile, state-designed roadway traversing 14 communities in eastern Essex County, Massachusetts. He reviewed the signs proposed for Newbury.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to allow the signs to go up on Newbury roads where applicable, at the discretion of the highway surveyor.
One-day Liquor License – Byfield Community Arts Center – Cat in the Cradle Coffeehouse, Saturday March 14, 2015 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the one-day Liquor License for Byfield Community Arts Center for the Cat in the Cradle Coffeehouse,
Saturday March 14, 2015 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
One-day Liquor License – Byfield Community Arts Center – Concord Hill Auction, Wednesday, March 18, 2015 from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to approve the one-day Liquor License for Byfield Community Arts Center for the Concord Hill Auction, Wednesday, March 18, 2015 from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m.
One-day Liquor License – Byfield Community Arts Center – Local Lounge, Friday, March 27, 2015 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the one-day Liquor License for Byfield Community Arts Center for the Byfield Community Arts Center – Local Lounge, Friday, March 27, 2015 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
One-day Liquor License – Protection Fire Co. #2 - Birthday party for Jim Wallace, April 4, 2015 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and
voted unanimously to approve the one-day Liquor License for Protection Fire Co. #2 for the Birthday party for Jim Wallace, April 4, 2015 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.
One Day Liquor License – Protection Fire Co. #2 - Birthday Party for Andrea LeBlanc, April 18, 2015 from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to approve the one-day Liquor License for Protection Fire Co. #2 for the Birthday Party for Andrea LeBlanc, April 18, 2015 from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Request of Town Clerk, Leslie Haley, to set the hours for the May 12, 2015 election, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to set the election time from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. as requested.
Review, approve and sign – Commercial Clam Permit Applications for the 2015/2016 Season
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the Commercial Clam Permit Applications for the 2015/2016 Season as submitted.
Old Business: No old business
All correspondence was reviewed.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to table the letter from Sam Shepard, campaign organizer with Environment Massachusetts for further discussion at the March 24, 2015 Board of Selectmen Meeting.
Motion: A motion of was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously for Selectman Colby to ask Parker River Clean Water Association for information and literature pertaining to the
Clean Water Rule and Act.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the February 24, 2015 meeting as presented.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously to approve the Warrants as presented. Warrants presented were signed by the Board of Selectmen.
Meeting Updates:
Selectman Bear reported that he had attended the Municipal Building Committee Meeting and the committee continues the site search.
Executive Session: No Executive Session
Motion: At 8:30 p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Colby and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted
Ellen Jameson
Executive Administrator