Town of Newbury
Board of Selectmen
Date: December 9, 2014
Present: Chairman, Geoffrey Walker, Selectmen, Chuck Bear, Damon Jespersen and Town
Administrator, Tracy Blais
Chairman, Geoffrey Walker, called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. with the salute to the flag.
Citizen’s Concerns: No citizen’s concerns
Motion: At 7:07 p.m., Chairman Walker moved to enter into Executive Session with Town Counsel, Ginny Kremer to discuss the Novak Settlement Agreement. The motion was seconded by Selectman Bear. A roll call vote was taken and voted unanimously to open Executive Session which began at 7:10 p.m. At 7:25 p.m. Chairman Walker moved to close Executive Session. The motion was seconded by Selectman Bear. A roll call vote was taken and voted unanimously to close Executive Session at 7:26 p.m.
Open session reconvened at 7:28 p.m.
Town Administrator’s Report:
Town Administrator, Tracy Blais reported that the Town had executed a contract with Beta Engineering for a road improvement program which will create a pavement management program to reflect the current pavement condition and identify Town-owned roads and private ways. It will also provide a tool for developing a prioritized capital plan. Approval for the appropriation of funds was received at the May 2014 Town Meeting.
Notification was received from the Division of Marine Fisheries that as part of the Governor’s 9c budget cuts, the contract in the amount of $15,600.00 for the Great Marsh Green Crab Depletion Program was terminated. Any obligations incurred up to November 23rd will be honored by the State.
A letter was received from Essex National Heritage thanking Chairman Walker for sharing his enthusiasm as a guest speaker at their annual meeting at Governor’s Academy.
Friends of the Newbury Town Library will hold their annual cookie swap on Saturday December 20th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Notification was received from Senator Tarr’s Office that Senate Bill No. 2178, the act allowing certain senior support staff of Protection Fire Company #1 in Byfield to continue to serve beyond the age of 65, was passed, signed by the Governor and enacted.
An update on the conditions on Plum Island was given. Conservation Agent, Doug Packer, Chief Reilly, Deputy Chief Lucey and Building Commissioner, Sam Joslin have been making periodic visits during the storm. The center groin is becoming more exposed and a considerable volume of sand has been lost. The Dartmouth Way area continues to be of great concern. EMA will continue to monitor the area during the high tide cycles for the next several days.
New Business:
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society’s request to use the Newbury Upper Green for the Strut for Strays 5K Road Race on May 31, 2015.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society’s request to place a banner on the backstop from 5/21/15 through 5/31/15.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously to accept the special permit application for Roots to Wings Yoga & Healing for construction of a new yoga studio at 76 Newburyport Turnpike.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously to schedule the special permit public hearing for Roots to Wings Yoga and Healing for Tuesday, January 13th, 2 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
John O’Connor, Chairman of Stormwater Management spoke about the proposed/revised Stormwater Regulations mandated by the EPA and recently distributed to Selectmen. He asked for future review and comment by the Selectmen.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve and sign the Warrant for Special Election, February 10, 2015.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to approve all 2015 Business License Renewals as follows:
Nasser Abu-Eid dba Prime Energy Consultant, Inc., 17 Central St., Gasoline, General Car Repair, Sale of Related Goods
Barry Davis dba BD Automotive, 24 Middle Rd., General Business/Automotive
Guilford’s Package Store dba Mr. Moe’s, 14 Plum Island Blvd, Parking Lot
Jeffrey C. Woodburn dba Little River Realty Trust, 17 Newburyport Tpke, Fuel Storage/Delivery
Kendall Bowie dba Mad Martha’s Island Café, 51 Northern Blvd., Common Victualler
James Noyes dba Noyes Auto Service, 1 Noyes Lane, General Business/Auto Repair
Michael Chase, Treasurer dba Olde Newbury Golf Club, Inc., 319 Newburyport Tpke, Common Victualer
David Williamson dba Plum Island Enterprises/Williamson Parking Lot, 34 Plum Island Blvd., (U02-0-111), Parking Lot
David Williamson dba Plum Island Enterprises/Williamson Parking Lot, 3 Northern Blvd., (U02-0-195), Parking Lot
David & John Moulton dba Riverfront Marine Sports, Inc., 292 High Rd., Auto/Marine
Ronda Lenair dba The Sanctuary B&B, 75 Scotland Rd., Bed and Breakfast
John B. Seamans dba Sculpture by Beverly Seamans, 2 Newman Rd., General Business
Donald B. Walton dba Walton’s Auto Lab, 78 Hanover St., Auto/Marine General Business
Geraldine Dorr dba Wheelhouse Parking, 49 Northern Blvd., Parking Lot, Popcorn Machine, Slush Machine/Water
Ron Bartlett dba Plum Island Taxpayers Association, 8 Plum Island Blvd, Common Victualer & Parking Lot
Andrew F. Haley dba Parker River Marine Services, LLC, 7 Newbury Neck Rd, General Business/Marine
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen , seconded by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously to approve all 2015 Liquor License Renewals as follows:
#079400001 Parker River Inc. dba Parker RiverPub & Grille, 9 Fruit St.
#079400002 Oldtown Country Club, Inc., Marsh Ave.
#079400006 Paradigm Beverage, Inc., dba Corner Cupboard, 4 Hanover St.
#079400007 Sylvanowicz Family Associates, Inc. dba D&J Liquors, 53 Main St.
#079400009 Robert C. Ducott, Jr. dba Dicks Variety, 29 Plum Island Blvd
#079400010 Guilford’s Package Store, Inc. dba Mr. Moe’s, 14 Plum Island Blvd.
#079400011 Wayne R. AltaVilla, Jr., dba BGS Variety, 6D Fruit St
#079400016 Plum Island Grille, Inc. dba Plum Island Grille, 2 Plum Island Blvd.
#079400018 The Butchery, Inc. dba Newbury Butchery, 2 Morgan Ave
#079400020 Ould Newbury Golf Club Inc. dba Ould Newbury Golf Club, 319 Newburyport Turnpike
#079400021 Plum Island Beachcoma, Inc. dba Plum Island Beachcoma, 23 plum Island Blvd.
#079400022 World Spirits, Inc. dba Plum Crazy, 134 Northern Blvd.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to certify to the ABCC through the Renewal Certification for 2015 that there were no Licensees that failed to renew for 2015.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to certify and sign the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) 2015 Renewal Certification stating that there were no licensees that failed to renew for 2015 and no licensees disapproved by the Town for 2015.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously to sign the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) 2015 Estimate Resident Population Certification.
Board and Committee Reports:
Eric Svahn, Chairman of the Municipal Building Committee gave a summary of the October 28th joint meeting/workshop of the Municipal Building Committee, Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, Capital Planning Committee, and Police Department. Eric reported that consensus had been reached in the joint meeting for new construction and a combined Police Department and Town Hall facility. The MBC was charged with further evaluation of new facility on the current Town Hall site, the Governor’s Academy site and sites on the northern area of Route 1.
Following Eric’s summary of the evaluation status and discussion from the joint boards:
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectmen Bear and voted unanimously to eliminate the Governor’s Academy and the Route 1 north sites leaving the current Town Hall site as the
acceptable site.
All correspondence was reviewed.
Motion: A motion was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded by Selectmen Bear and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the November 25, 2014 meeting as presented.
Warrants presented to the Board of Selectmen were signed.
Meeting updates:
Selectman Jespersen reported that he has been pursuing several ideas for a memorial for David Mountain. Through that pursuit he has come up with a number of different trails in Town that may be appropriate. He will
continue talking with others in town about the choices. An appropriate time to talk with David’s wife, Barbara Mountain will be arranged.
Motion: At 9:03 p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Selectman Jespersen, seconded
by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Jameson
Executive Administrator