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MARCH 11, 2014
At 6:05 p.m. Chairman Story called to order a special joint meeting with Rowley and Salisbury Selectmen for the purpose of discussing Triton budget issues. In attendance were Selectmen Story, Bulgaris, Mountain, Walker and Town Administrator Tracy Blais for Newbury, Selectmen Snow, Merry and Perry from Rowley and Selectmen Richenburg, Beaulieu and Condon from Salisbury.
Chairman Story welcomed all. Selectman Snow noted that Rowley was in a precarious position this year. Their $490K assessment for Triton will be crippling. Story noted Newbury’s new growth and 2½% increase are about $330K. Our proposed Triton and Whittier assessment is over $600K which means we must cut $270-$300K and public safety is the first to suffer cuts. Henry Richenburg of Salisbury noted that while they were not facing the same financial bind as Newbury and Rowley, we are here to listen and offer support. We have been in your position in prior years. Bob Snow of Rowley advised they had issued a letter to the School Committee asking they use some of their cash surplus ($756+K) to absorb some of the FY15
increases, as allowed by law. Enrollment has decreased from 3444 students in FY14 to 2678 in FY15 and the budget has gone from $5,837,226 to $8,445,350. There has not been a District Communication meeting since April 2013 so we’ve dropped the ball. Story introduced Representative Lenny Mirra. Mirra advised that they have a resolution in the House to increase Chapter 70 funding and they are working on local aid, PILOT funds, transportation and the Special Education Circuit Breaker. The Chapter 70 education fund formula was set more than 20 years ago and should have been reviewed every two years. Large cities get more funding than small towns and this formula needs to be reviewed. Story advised that A.J. in Senator Tarr’s office is digging into the Chapter 70 formula. They have asked if our Select Boards could request the
School Committee postpone their vote on the budget for one week. They have proposed a meeting next Tuesday evening with our Senators and Representatives and Selectmen of the three towns. Don Beaulieu of Salisbury noted that the School Committee has been trying to schedule a meeting with elected officials also and we should all be on the same page. He suggested one way to get the message out that this is “our school system” is for all three towns to put some of their assessment for schools to an override vote. It might get the people’s attention that we are working together.
Story inquired as to when Triton must vote on the budget and Blais informed him the date was March 15th, but the Boards of Selectmen voted last year to extend that time. Story noted, we have a chance to get our legislators here. Beaulieu suggested they try to schedule the meeting at Triton to accommodate everyone. We don’t meet until March 24th which is after the deadline so we would not have a problem extending the deadline. Story noted Newbury had posted this meeting and had a quorum so they could vote tonight to extend the deadline and ask that the vote be put off until next Wednesday. Snow commented that they did not want to point fingers at the state or other towns, but if we
don’t work together we look like a bunch of jerks. We should all be on the same page. Story advised that Superintendent Farmer had appealed unfunded mandates to the state. These hidden costs drive up the budget. Mirra asked that they be advised of these unfunded mandates so they can be involved. Richenburg stated he applauded the effort to get the legislators together with the boards but we also need to continue this exchange after the town meetings. While we believe the formula is incorrect, we won’t change it in two months. The state seems to be pitting the schools against the towns. Selectman Walker moved to ask the School Committee to extend finalization of the budget to March 22nd, seconded by Selectman Mountain. The drop dead date for Newbury is March 25th and for Rowley March 26th. The motion was voted unanimously by the Newbury Selectmen. Beaulieu suggested a letter of request be written to the School Committee with spaces for the Chairs of
Rowley and Salisbury when they take their vote. Story noted, the meeting with our legislators and hopefully the school committee will be next Tuesday, March 15th at 6:30 p.m., place to be determined. Beaulieu will advise Blais if the Triton location is confirmed.
The Selectmen were united in their commitment to seek solutions to the challenges of adequately funding education each year. Mirra was thanked for his attendance and input. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.
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