DECEMBER 11, 2012
Chairman Story opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. In attendance were Selectmen Story, Bulgaris, Bear, Mountain and Walker. Town Administrator Tracy Blais was delayed and arrived late due to meeting conflicts.
Kathryn O’Brien of High Road addressed the Board as a concerned citizen. She questioned what the Selectmen had learned from past override failures and suggested that the citizens don’t want to spend anymore on services. She noted the Town was doing fine as is and is a safe place to live. She credited the residents for creating a safe living environment and disagreed that the size of the police force was a safety issue. She also suggested that instead of overrides the Selectmen cut back on salaries and benefits for their employees. Several of the town leaders were distressed by these comments as they felt her presumptions were not made on fact. It was suggested she attend Finance Committee meetings and meet with
the COA, Library, Public Safety Departments and the School Committee to become better informed about the drastic cutbacks already sustained and the potential dangers the Town faces. Selectman Walker stated he felt poor communication played a part in the failure of the overrides and hoped our new cable facility would help in the future to keep the people better informed. O’Brien’s second concern was a press release regarding land being pursued for solar interests. David Powell of the Planning Board advised this was not a release from the town but from the company looking at solar possibilities and she had taken it out of context.
Carol Baum of Hay Street, discouraged by the amount of roadside trash dumped on our roads, proposed an unique solution for raising awareness. She requested permission to construct a 12’x9’ trash tower of cedar and lexan for the far west end of the Upper Green. Each week for one year she would place recyclable trash in the tower arranged artistically. A bill board next to the tower would have information about the time it takes for this trash to decompose. Baum would cover all costs and hoped to involve Triton, Whittier and perhaps the Boy Scouts in this venture. All trash collected would be deposited and recycled in the Transfer Station. Baum was praised for her
volunteerism but it was suggested she should present this concept to Conservation, Board of Health and the Historical Commission. A decision by the board was tabled to a future meeting.
Patty Ross Webster asked permission to transplant a large evergreen tree to the Upper Green. This tree is growing in her late father’s yard and she would move it and plant it at no cost to the town. A brief discussion ensued regarding a proper location, and checking with the Historical Commission as to suitability of the tree. Selectman Mountain moved to accept the donation pending finding a suitable location for the tree, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously. Selectman Walker noted that a tree fund had been established in 2009 with a generous donation of $200 by the Webbs, but to date nothing has been done with it. He suggested that a management plan for the Greens be
established which would allow the Selectmen to take a more systematic approach to sustaining the trees on these historic sites.
Dina Sullivan of the School Committee presented to the Town a District Map created by Triton High Art teacher Robyn Verrette and several of her students. This map depicts the five district schools as well as the Town Hall and old schools in Newbury, Rowley and Salisbury. Ms Sullivan noted that they would like people to think of the District as one unit and not separate towns.
A request from the Beachcoma to extend their entertainment license from 10 p.m. to midnight on New Year’s Eve was discussed. The owner was not in attendance. It was moved by Selectman Mountain to approve the request, seconded by Selectman Story. The vote was three to two with Bear, Bulgaris and Walker voting no and the motion was rejected. Selectman Walker moved that all entertainment requests be presented in person by a representative of the entity requesting the permit unless otherwise waived at the Board’s discretion, seconded by Selectman Bear. Selectman Mountain suggested an official form for all requests be established and more thought on the factors involved be given to this motion.
The motion was with withdrawn until a future meeting.
The minutes of the November 27th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted. Story abstained from the vote
Steve Sawyer of Design Consultants, Inc. presented a “conservation restriction” for the Wilshire Road subdivision for signatures. Selectman Walker moved to approve and sign the conservation restriction, as presented, pursuant to MGL Chapter 184, section31-33, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously.
License renewals were approved for 2013 on motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted for the following: Newbury Auto Sales, Class III; A&M Motors, Class II; Bill’s Auto Repair, Class II; Tendercrop Farm, general business; A.L.Prime Energy, general business; Adelynrood Conference & Retreat Ctr., common victualler; Anastasia’s Flowers on Main, general business; Aran Trading Ltd., general business; Bill’s Auto Repair, general business; Bob Lobster, common victualler, Sunday and milk; Colonial Coiffures, beauty shop; Corner Cupboard, Sunday; Dick’s Variety, common victualler, milk, Sunday; Little River Realty Trust, general business; Newbury Butchery, common victualler, Sunday, ice cream, milk; P.I.T.A Hall, parking lot, common victualler; The
Quilted Acorn, general business, Riverfront Marine Sports Inc., general business; Sadie’s for Hair, beauty shop; Steve’s Service, general business; Tolman Automotive, general business; Wheelhouse Parking, parking lot, popcorn machine, slush machine, water; Wilco Marine Restorations, general business; Angie’s Service, Class II; BDAutomotive, general business; Applied Automotive Technology, general business; Bridge Road Signs, general business; Carla Capolupo, parking lot; Josette’s Adz & Loom, general business; Store-U-Self Storage, general business; High Tail Acres, general business; Mr. Moe’s, parking lot, milk. Walker abstained from the vote on Josette’s Adz & Loom.
Two one-day liquor licenses for Protection Fire Co. #2 were approved for events on December 15th from 2-6 p.m. and December 16th from 1-5 p.m. on a motion by Selectmen Bear, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously. A one-day liquor license was approved for Spencer Pierce Little Farm for January 12th from 4-9 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously.
A letter of thanks from Superintendent Farmer for the Board’s recommended amendments to the Triton regional agreement was read and filed.
Selectman Mountain advised the cable installation should be completed by the end of the week. The Cable Access Committee has hired a short-term and long-term consultant to assist the effort to ‘go live’ with broadcasting meetings and town events. Monies from the PEG grant will cover all costs. The anticipated start date is February 1st.
Town Administrator Tracy Blais presented warrants for signatures. She noted that a $265K bid on the former Woodbridge School met the bid criteria but a $60K bid for the Yellow School House did not. A brief discussion regarding a potential public/private partnership with G. Mello Disposal Corp. to handle the transfer station in 2013 ensued. More information is forthcoming from the Board of Health
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by SelectmanWalker and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.
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