FEBRUARY 26, 2013
Chairman Story opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. In attendance were Selectman Story, Bulgaris, Bear, Mountain, Walker and Town Administrator Tracy Blais.
Bob Connors, Chair of the Capital Planning Committee, distributed bound reports prepared for the Selectmen and Finance Committee showing the capital needs and an analysis of replacement reserve anticipated for the elementary school and the library. Immediate needs and a 20 year replacement reserve analysis were briefly discussed. The anticipated immediate costs projected for FY14 is $43K for NES and $31,700 for the library. Both buildings are in reasonable working order at present. Over the span of 20 yrs. it is anticipated the library will need $800K and NES will need $1.5M. The Board thanked Connors, the CPC and Sam Joslin for their due diligence and hard work putting together this comprehensive
report. Connors also presented the Board with copies of a midterm report and recommendations for Newbury’s Police Station from the Public Safety Site Selection Committee for their review.
Martha Taylor, Planner, updated the Board on the proposed zoning bylaw amendments for the town meeting warrant in May. The four amendments (revisions to the Table of Use Regulations, draft bylaw pertaining to Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installations, boundary changes to BLI district, BVB district and Commercial Highway district at Pearson Plaza, revisions to the accessory apartment bylaw) were discussed and questions fielded by Martha and Kathleen Pearson. Selectman Mountain moved to refer the proposed amendments back to the Planning Board for a public hearing, seconded by Selectman Bear and voted unanimously. Taylor extended an invitation to a public workshop on Saturday, March 2nd from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Town Hall to review
the proposed boundary changes to the BLI district, BVB district and the Commercial Highway district at Pearson Plaza.
Ed Speck from Theater in the Open appeared before the Board to discuss Circus Smirkus at Manter Field in August. He noted that last year the Circus was a big hit and the field worked out well for their set up. Story noted that there was some confusion on the permits required to open last year and they wanted to insure it was coordinated this year. Sam Joslin advised that working together prior to set up would insure timely inspections in the short time frame allotted between set up and opening. A single contact from Circus Smirkus to coordinate the permitting would make things run smoother. Joslin will prepare a check off list for Mr. Speck or Circus Smirkus for the next meeting on March 12th at
which time final approval of the event will be processed.
Town Administrator Tracy Blais advised that Frank Wetenkamp had resigned from the Finance Committee. A replacement is being sought for his position as soon as possible and interested candidates should submit their qualifications to the Selectmen’s office with copies to the Town Administrator and Finance Committee by Monday, March 4th. Essex National Heritage has issued an invitation to their annual spring meeting Wednesday, April 10th from 8-10 am. At Winnekenni Castle in Haverhill. Chief Reilly hosted a hazard mitigation grant program with MEMA last Friday for residents affected by blizzard. Although the meeting went well, the application process is very
comprehensive. The Town is reaching out to Scituate for help with the application process.
The Triton Music Parents Organization’s request to hang a banner on the Upper Green back stop was revisited. The actual banner was shown to the Board by Mrs. Thurlow of TMPO and it was agreed that it was nicely done. Concerns regarding size, time frame for hanging and removal, responsibility for maintenance while in place were all raised. A standard policy for banners will be addressed for the next meeting. It was moved by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously to allow the TMPO banner advertising the performance of Finnegan’s Wake to be hung on March 8th and removed within a few days after the performance on March 23rd. The Thurlows will be responsible for insuring the banner stays intact while it is on the back stop.
Two letters from GA students, one concerning mosquito spraying and one on a water bottle ban will be addressed at a future meeting. The students will be invited to a meeting to present their letters and the Town will have a representative to present the Town’s position.
A new license for George Janaitis d/b/a P.I. Bicycle Rentals at 4 P.I. Blvd. was addressed. While all agreed this would be an ideal home business for the area, concern was raised as to the criteria for home based businesses on Plum Island. Sam Joslin and Town Counsel will be asked for an opinion and the matter was continued to the next meeting.
Heat Management of Amesbury’s information on a proposed road race in October will be forwarded to the Chief Reilly and Deputy Chief Lucey for their review and evaluation.
The Board acknowledged the receipt of Comcast’s PEG Access quarterly payment in the amount of $26,264.44.
Town Counsel will be asked to investigate the need for the Newbury Improvement Trust Committee and who can approve expenditures from the existing fund.
On the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Eric Svahn of Old Farm Way was appointed to the board as an “associate member” on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.
A general business license renewal for 2013 was approved for Diamonds from the Ruff at 4 Riverview Drive on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously.
Carol Baum undated the Board on her investigation of possible alternate sites for her trash tower. She noted her first preference was the island at Hand Tub Lane and other locations investigated were not what she envisioned for the project. Selectman Mountain moved to take the matter off the table and open it to discussion, seconded by Selectman Walker. The majority of the Selectmen were opposed to the Green or Handtub Lane (which they considered an extension of the Green). Baum asked if she should speak with the residents around the Green to get their opinion. If they don’t embrace the idea, maybe it will change my mind, she noted. Selectman Mountain believed the
decision should be made either by the Selectmen or voted at town meeting. The alternate locations (NES, transfer station, Town Hall, Manter Fields, library, DPW facility) were briefly explored with NES being the first choice of most. It was suggested Baum contact Dr. Tracy, Principal of NES to see to whom her project should be presented. Selectman Walker moved to support Baum’s project, deny permission for use of the Green and/or Handtub Lane and to encourage further investigation of the alternate locations, seconded by Selectman Bear and voted four in favor with one abstention by Selectman Mountain.
It was moved by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously to accept the resignation of Frank Wetenkamp and to send him a letter of appreciation for his service to the Town.
A letter from TRSD regarding collective bargaining for health care was read and filed.
A letter from MVPC regarding TIP planning for 2014-2017 was briefly discussed. Requests, if any, must be submitted to MVPC by March 1st for consideration.
A letter from TRSC showing tentative assessments for operating costs and capital costs was read and filed.
The minutes of the February 12th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.
Chairman Story noted that Friday, March 1st was the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of Governor’s Academy. It was moved by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously to send a letter of congratulations to the Academy and to authorize Chairman Story to sign the letter on behalf of the Board.
Warrants were signed for TA Blais.
Selectman Mountain suggested a subcommittee be established to look at the building codes, especially for new construction and reconstruction on Plum Island where extra structural conditions could be implemented. The suggestion was tabled until the codes can be reviewed with the Building Commission, Sam Joslin.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.