SEPTEMBER 25, 2012
Chairman Story opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. In attendance were Selectmen Story, Bulgaris, Mountain and Town Administrator Tracy Blais. Selectmen Bear and Walker were absent.
Town Planner Martha Taylor presented a request from the Planning Board to add to the STM warrant a zoning article regarding proposed changes to the Table of Use Regulations. These proposed changes had been discussed at the last Planning Board meeting. Selectman Mountain moved to accept the proposed changes for the warrant, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.
Lee Ann Eagan, 15 Sunset Drive questioned parking policy changes and cited safety issues on Sunset. She asked what initiated this recent change. TA Blais advised that complaints regarding cars idling along Sunset while waiting to enter the refuge, some times for long periods, were investigated. Working closely with Graham Taylor of the Wildlife Refuge, it was agreed that cars would be waived off from waiting and parking on Sunset would be limited to three hours. Fire and Police signed off on the new parking regulations before any changes were made, she noted. Individuals in attendance cited the danger of exiting vehicles onto the roadway or marsh, impeding the travel lane, cars turning in driveways,
degradation of the shoulder, potential environmental hazards to the salt marsh, danger to pedestrians, bicyclists, joggers, etc., and restaurant parking. A petition was presented with thirty-seven signatures asking that the extended parking be rescinded. It was suggested that the restaurant arrange for customer parking at Mr. Moe’s or the lot on the corner. Building Commissioner Sam Joslin noted that in the eight years he has worked for the Town parking in this area has always been an issue. He asked what kind of compromise the residents could live with and their response was “no parking”. After a lengthy and sometimes loud discussion it was determined that a traffic count, speed limit and incident report would be investigated, grants for developing parking will continue to be researched and sign options (take signs down and open it to a free for all,
rescind extended parking, or no parking) will be discussed at the next meeting. Everyone was thanked for coming and voicing their concerns.
Town Administrator Tracy Blais addressed MVPC’s “citizen planner training program” aimed at volunteers serving on the Town’s Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Historic Commission, Board of Health and Zoning Board of Appeals to help them to evaluate proposals, interpret regulations/statutes and render decisions that guide the future of their community. The Selectmen unanimously endorsed this “good government” initiative and encouraged all new members of boards to take advantage of the program.
Kathleen Pearson, Chair of the Planning Board noted she was trying to schedule a joint meeting with Planning, Selectmen, Assessors, Fin Com, Tracy Blais, Sam Joslin and Martha Taylor to obtain information from the Assessors on evaluations of mixed use, business and industrial/commercial properties for use in formatting future zoning articles. Tuesday, October 2nd at 6 p.m. was suggested and Pearson will reach out to the boards to see if this is a workable date.
On a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously, Selectman Walker was appointed to the TRSD District Communications Committee to represent Newbury.
Two one-day liquor licenses were approved for SPLF/Historic New England for family festivals on September 29th and October 6th from 1-5 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously.
TA Blais advised that due to a scheduling conflict, our ATM the fourth Tuesday in May cannot be held at NES. She suggested a bylaw change making the date more flixible and an amendment will be drafted by Counsel for the fall STM warrant.
The minutes of the September 11th meeting were tabled to the October 9th meeting as there was not a quorum to accept them, Selectman Bulgaris having been absent from that meeting.
On the recommendation of Chief Pearson, Eric Beaulieu was appointed as a full-time firefighter/paramedic, on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously.
Planning Board’s recommendation for an Associate Member was tabled to the meeting of October 9th.
Alan Roscoe of Hancock Associates addressed the board regarding a site plan for property off Sled Road which will involve wetland issues and the town’s right of way. An 8,000 s/f building is planned for the property which will involve some work in the town way including alteration and replicating of wetlands and they want to insure compliance. He noted the work will be bonded and the order of conditions will go with the property. This building will house the headquarters for a construction business and storage of construction vehicles. The headquarters will be accessed from Sled Road rather than Route 1 due to the heavy truck traffic involved and the road will be improved to conform to town standards.
Sled Road will be improved about 225’ and paved for approximately 150-175’. Chairman Story questioned if the town would be a co-applicant going through Conservation and this question will be addressed by Counsel. An access to the cell tower is already in place off Sled Road, it was noted. Roscoe advised their next step was filing of a NOI with Conservation and site plan review is ongoing with the Planning Board. The consensus of the Board was that this was a good project for the property.
On the recommendation of Chief Reilly, appointments for Reserve Dispatchers were approved for Charles Colby, Ralph Renzulli, and Tyler Simmons, on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously. Chief Reilly noted that these positions are budget neutral.
Selectman Mountain advised that October 10/11 was slated for the installation of cable equipment at town hall. The Media Committee approved a job description for a part time person to run the operation and it has been sent to Personnel. This will be contract position. TA Blais noted that Personnel had no issues with the job description. Mountain also advised the Triton Merger Committee was back to square one. They are waiting for background from Superintendent Farmer as to the problem to be solved at the middle/high school. The committee expects to make a recommendation to the School Committee in January.
Chairman Story noted that there will be a Merrimack River Beach Alliance meeting at PITA hall tomorrow to address the status of the jetty project and for an update by ACOE on their beach scraping permit.
Selectman Bulgaris commented on the Board of Fire Engineers meeting he attended. Two issues were discussed. AMR is no longer in the picture as back up for Byfield or Newbury and weekend, holiday and storm coverage are problems. Byfield and Newbury cover each other at this time but this is not sustainable. The goal is to restore the monies cut from their budget to insure this coverage. TA Blais noted that she hoped some of the monies saved by changing our health insurance plan can be added to Police and Fire wage accounts, which may offer some relief.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Mountain, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.