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Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/22/09
DECEMBER 22, 2009

Chairman Story opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag.    Selectmen Story, Keller, Russo, Walker and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro were present.    Selectman Bulgaris was absent.

Dan Streeter of the Open Space Committee addressed the draft update of the “Open Space and Recreation Plan” for Newbury.     The Selectmen were asked to review the plan and provide comments to the Committee by February 1st.    A letter of support is required from the Board of Selectmen prior to submission to the state.    Streeter noted this update builds on the 2001 plan approved by MA Division of Conservation Services, allows the Town to qualify for certain state grants and improves the Town’s Commonwealth Capital score.    He outlined a summary of the Action Plan, short and long term goals and recommendations that the Selectmen might focus on.   He advised that a public workshop has tentatively been set for February 10th.     Selectman Walker commented that the Planning Board and Conservation Commission should also be reviewing this document.    Dan was thanked for his input.

David Powell of the Planning Board presented MVPC’s preliminary traffic findings in a two page summary.     The report was based on data from traffic counts and observations made during the months of October and November.    MVPC worked with Powell, Martha Taylor and Selectman Keller on this report.    Powell spoke on many of the issues noted in the report and listed three priorities:  the intersection of Main and Central; parking in the village area and the intersection of Lunt and Main.   It was agreed that Powell, Taylor and a Selectman or two should meet with the local businesses to get them involved and get their input on the situation.   Chairman Story suggested MVPC look into an entrance ramp to Rte. 95 off Jewett Street which would help eliminate many of the problems in the center.

Town Administrator Chuck Kostro presented a copy of a tax bill stuffer for approval of the board.    It was moved by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously to approve the insert relative to certain municipal information presented by the Town Administrator be included in the third quarter tax bills as per MGL Ch. 60, section 3A.    Kostro reviewed the budget calendar and some important milestones with the Selectmen.    He also addressed the status of our revenues for FY11 and noted that the budget calendar was available for public review under the Town Administrator’s link on the Town website.    He advised that all departments have been asked to make a 10% across the board reduction for FY11.

Lance Wisniewski of Raptor Media addressed cable access options.     Selectman Dave Petersen and Warren Appel of Rowley were also in attendance.   A three town non-profit corporation was proposed, regionally based and united with the school district.   While operating and capital budgets are singly small, a regionalized non-profit corporation could provide the PEG services agreed upon with Comcast.    Warren Appel noted he had been working with Triton to assess their support and building availability.   Wisniewski advised that while space is tight a government access center can be set up at Newbury Town Hall and he would be willing to help accomplish this.    Salisbury’s is in place and Rowley is currently out to bid for necessary equipment.    While there are many aspects to iron out, a 501-3C non-profit regional corporation seems to be the answer for all three towns.    Petersen admitted that while all three towns were at different stages they need to start as equal partners and the first step is to establish this non-profit corporation and tie all three towns with the school system.   The link from Triton to the Comcast head-in, budgets, pooling of resources, equipment needs, and negotiating a tri-town contract were all briefly discussed.   The Selectmen will confer with Town Counsel and take whatever action is necessary to initiate this process at the next BOS meeting in January.

David Santomenna, Director of Land Conservation for Essex County Greenbelt presented for approval a conservation restriction for 69/71 Boston Road (owners Mark & Pauline Peters).   After a rather lengthy debate on the merits of conservation land, tax consequences, assessments and the Federal tax incentive, it was moved by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously to approve the conservation restriction.

Liaison assignments were tabled to a January meeting.     The warrant for the Special State Election to be held on January 19th was signed on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Russo and voted unanimously.    A new business license for Robert Gover d/b/a Bob’s Replacement Windows, 21-16th Street was approved on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.     Selectman Russo asked that the topic of term limits for elected town officials be placed on the January 26th agenda.    The minutes of the November 24th and December 4th meetings were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Keller, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.

The following licenses were renewed for 2010 on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously:  A.L. Prime Energy, A & M Motors, B.D. Automotive, Bob Lobster, Angie’s Service Inc., Henry C. Becker, Bridge Road Signs, Ampet Inc., Flukes & Finds, High Tail Acres, Adelynrood Conference & Retreat Center, Karen’s Dog Grooming, Little River Realty Trust, Mr. Moe’s, Josette’s Adz and Loom, Dick’s Variety, Colonial Coiffures, Byfield General Store, Bill’s Auto Repair, Applied Automotive Technology, Newbury Butchery, Newbury Town Library, Ould Newbury Golf Club Inc., Parker River Marine, Parker River Pub & Grille, Pearson Hardware, Pheasant Meadow Farm, The Quilted Acorn Shoppe, Riverfront Marine Sports Inc., Sadie’s for Hair, Special Interest Autos of Newburyport, Steve’s Service, The Boston Sports Car LLC, Unishippers, Tendercrop Farm, Tolman Automotive, Olde Newbury Boat Co., US#1 Auto Marine, Volpone Towing, Wheelhouse Parking, and Wilco Marine.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Sirois
Administrative Assistant