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Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 1/26/10
JANUARY 26, 2010

Chairman Story opened the meeting at 7:03 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag.     Selectmen Story, Keller, Bulgaris, Russo, Walker and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro were present.

Martha Taylor and Kostro advised that the Planning Board was working on four or five zoning articles for the ATM warrant.   Public hearing requirements must be met for these articles to move forward.   A summary of the articles will be presented at the next meeting for the Boards consideration.

Town Administrator Chuck Kostro addressed discontinuing free salt during the winter for residents.   It was moved by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously, as a result of the Town’s budget situation, to endorse the decision to eliminate the policy of free salt for residents.    The DEP yard has been posted and violators will be reported to the Police Department.    On a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Russo and voted unanimously the following policy was adopted relative to the disposition of surplus tangible property in the Town of Newbury:   1) This policy shall apply only to the disposal of a tangible supply, no longer useful to the Town of Newbury but having resale or salvage value of $5,000 or less.    This policy does not apply to the disposal of real property; 2) The Town Administrator shall be authorized to declare an item as surplus and to establish the resale or salvage value.   For an item declared as surplus and having a resale or salvage value of $5,000 or less, the Board of Selectmen shall approve any resale, salvage or donation of said item prior to any action by the Town Administrator.   The Town Administrator may make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen as to the preferred disposition of any item under this policy; 3)  It shall be the policy of the Town of Newbury that any disposition under this policy shall give precedence to local charitable organizations, non-profits or any entity or organization that directly or indirectly provides service(s) to the Town;  4)  Notwithstanding this policy, all dispositions of tangible supply shall conform to MGL Chapter 30B, section 15.    On a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously, pursuant to the recommendation of the Town Administrator, the Selectmen approved the donation of DPW Truck #19 to Fire Protection Co. #2 for use as a forestry vehicle.    Kostro advised that sixteen resumes had been received for the position of Treasurer/Collector and Personnel and the Accounting Office have been conducting peer reviews.  Final interviews will soon be held and a recommendation will be made to the Selectmen when a candidate is selected.     Department budget reviews for FY11 have almost been completed.   Some potential options for cuts are combining the polling places, eliminate lifeguards, no port-a-potties, trash barrels on the beach are uncertain, no reserve fund, eliminate greenhead control and department budgets have all been cut and consolidated.     The Town’s operational budget has gone from $17.4 million in FY10 to $16.9 for FY11.    The Selectmen discussed the elimination of lifeguards, the impact on local stores and parking lots, hiring a minimum number of lifeguards for the center area only and parking enforcement on Plum Island.   Kostro noted that lifeguards would be the first item to be reinstated should any of our revenue figures be more favorable.    Kostro provided a list of budget cuts, cherry sheet anticipated figures and operational needs.  On a happier note, Kostro advised he had completed his exams and received his designation as a Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Officer.   On a motion by Selectman Keller, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously the Selectmen approved expenditures in excess of available appropriations for snow and ice removal and acknowledged that the appropriations for snow and ice removal in Fiscal Year 2010 equal the appropriations for the same purpose in Fiscal Year 2009.     Chairman Story acknowledged Tim and his crews’ efforts in clearing our roads while trying to work within the budget.     Kostro advised that for the first time since ’07 we were unable to pay the Triton assessment for January on the 15th of the month.     The school has been notified and we should be able to meet our obligations by the end of the month with monies from a RAN and tax collections.   Kostro noted that lock box payments have helped tremendously.

A discussion on term limits was initiated by Selectman Russo who suggested limiting the Selectmen to three concurrent terms.     Selectman  Walker commented that he didn’t quite understand this proposal as it took him the first three years he was on the Planning Board to understand what he was doing and there are now many checks and balances in place with our new Town Administrator form of government.    Chairman Story noted that the board needs continuity and the voters will make changes when they are needed.    Many projects in town rely on the history and background of the proposals.     Budd Kelly stated we have added more diversity and check and balances and the public will vote us out if we are not doing a good job.     Selectman Bulgaris also commented that he was not for term limits as it takes away the choice of the person that chooses to run and also the residents vote.

Selectman Russo advised that a new Federal law has been initiated that bans texting while driving for all commercial CDL license holders (drivers of trucks and buses).   He would like to see a ban on texting while driving for all drivers in Newbury and had asked Chief Reilly for an opinion on pursuing this matter.    A brief discussion ensued ending with a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted by Russo, Keller, Bulgaris and Story to send a letter to Senator Tarr and Representative Stanley asking them to consider sponsoring a bill to ban texting while driving for Massachusetts.    Selectman Walker voted against the motion.

Selectmen were assigned as liaisons to boards and committees as follows:   Selectman Keller – 375th Anniversary Committee, Cable TV Advisory Committee, Cemetery Committee, Council on Aging, School Committee, Trustees of 1st Settlers Burial Ground and Trustees of the Public Library; Selectman Bulgaris – Agricultural Commission, Byfield Community Arts Center; Selectman Russo – Alternative Energy Source Committee, Board of Health, Father Sears Memorial Park Committee, Merrimack River Beach Alliance, Newbury Improvements Trust, Town Government Study Committee; Selectman Walker – Cultural Council, Conservation Commission, Fish Commissioners, Open Space Committee, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals; Selectman Story – Capital Planning Committee, Finance Committee, Personnel Board, Recreation Committee.   The following committees were deemed “not active”, Architectural Review Board Study Committee, Economic Development Task Force, Railroad Advisory Committee, Regional Local Emergency Planning Commission, Senior Center Building Advisory Committee and these committees were disbanded on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously.    The Historical Commission will be addressed at the next meeting and the Insurance Advisory Committee was designated a sub-committee under the Personnel Board.

A request from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to use our Town roads for a bicycle tour fundraiser on July 17 & 18, 2010 was approved on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Russo and voted unanimously.    The Police and DPW will be advised

Four one-day liquor licenses were approved for the Byfield Community Arts Center for February 13, 2010 (Cat in the Cradle Coffeehouse) from 7:30 to 11 p.m.; March 13, 2010 (Celtic Festival) from 7:30 to 11 p.m.; April 16, 2010 (Cat in the Cradle Coffeehouse) from 7:30 to 11 p.m. and May 14, 2010 (Cat in the Cradle Coffeehouse) from 7:30 to 11 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.

A request for support for the installation of a 6’ x 3’ electronic sign at PITA Hall on P.I. Blvd.
was referred to Sam Joslin for his review and recommendation to the Selectman.

The minutes of the January 12th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Keller, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.

A new general business license for Brad Pritchard d/b/a Universal Visions @ 72 Newburyport Turnpike for a Metaphysical Center/Store was referred to Sam Joslin to insure an occupancy permit has been issued in relation to a recent building permit on the building prior to issuance of the license.

License renewals for 2010 were approved for Parker River Dental, TMB Motors LLC, and Surfland Bait & Tackle Shop on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.

It was moved by Selectman Keller, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously to have Newbury participate in Anna Jaques’s “Heart Healthy Day” on Tuesday, February 16th and for Chairman Story to represent Newbury

A letter from Susan and Ruben Carmona regarding their concerns about the lack of plowing of sidewalks at Hanover and Old Town Way was discussed.    Lacking equipment and manpower to accomplish this task along with no set town policy it was proposed that Counsel put together a town bylaw for consideration at the ATM.    Kostro will draft a response to the Carmona’s letter.

A letter dated 1/20/10 from Triton was read regarding contract negotiations with the Teacher’s Association and the appointment of a representative of the three member towns to attend the bargaining sessions.    This person would be an observer only and would not take part in the negotiations.    Selectman Keller advised that Rowley and Salisbury were agreeable to her appointment.    It was moved by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted to appoint Selectman Keller as the three town’s representative for contract negotiations.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Sirois
Administrative Assistant