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Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 5/10/10
MAY 10, 2010

Chairman Joseph Story opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag.  Selectmen Story, Keller, Bulgaris, Russo, Walker and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro were present.    

Kostro noted he had sent a memo to the Tree Warden regarding DCR grants for the replacement of trees in Newbury.    This grant request must come from the Town’s Tree Warden.    He also addressed an e-mail from Martha Taylor about the Border to Boston trail.   A public meeting has been scheduled for May 27th at the Newbury Library.   Flyers will be distributed at the ATM.    The B2B group also requested a town committee be formed to work on this effort on behalf of the Town.   It was moved by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Keller to establish a Border to Boston Trail Committee and to appoint Steve Fram, Steve St. Arnault, Christine Wilkinson and John Van Schalkwyk as members.    Additional members will be added after the first public meeting.    The motion was voted unanimously.

Kostro presented the final draft of the ATM warrant for review.   It was moved by Selectman Russo and seconded by Selectman Keller to accept the warrant and discussion ensued.     The Selectmen had questions on the Zoning Articles especially Article 14 and 15.  Dave Mountain of the Planning Board and Martha Taylor fielded questions from the Board.   After a rather heated discussion, it was moved by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris to not accept the warrant as written, to withdraw the zoning articles and to meet with the Planning Board to rewrite them.    The motion was clarified to read to withdraw articles 14 and 15 from the warrant for additional editing at future meetings between Selectmen and Planning Board and the motion was voted unanimously.    A meeting was scheduled for Thursday, May 13th at 6 p.m. at Town Hall to review the ATM warrant with the corrections voted and to sign the warrant for posting.

A Chapter 90 request for reimbursement for DPW’s new dump truck was signed by the Selectmen and the Town Administrator.

A request from the Byfield Days Committee to close the intersection of Lunt and Central Streets to the intersection of Main and Central on June 11th and June 12th for Byfield Days activities was approved on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously.

A sponsor application as part of the NOTS program was approved for the Newbury Democratic Town Committee and signed by the Selectmen on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.   A request from Sam Joslin, who instituted this program, asked if the board wanted to keep the program going as he has only had one application to date and, if so, for a volunteer to continue solicitations and maintain the program. It was moved by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously to keep the program in effect.    The request for a volunteer was met with enthusiasm from Selectman Keller who offered to take on the program.   It was moved by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Russo and voted to place Keller in charge of the NOTS program.

On the recommendation of Chief Reilly, Keegan Stokes was appointed as Reserve Police Officer on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.

Kostro submitted payroll and vendor warrants to the Board for their signatures.    While Kostro has the authority to approve and sign warrants, it was suggested by the town’s auditor that the Selectmen also periodically review and sign them as well.

Selectman Bulgaris noted that the NES presentation of a “living museum” as part of the Town’s 375th opening celebration was amazing and well worth the visit.    The 375th Committee was also commended for their opening weekend which was impressive.  

Keller noted the position of a safety resource officer for Triton has no funding.   Chief Reilly has offered to try to schedule an officer for a few hours a week, if possible, to establish some awareness with the students.   Budgeting for an officer at the school seems to be the hurdle that must be overcome.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.