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Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes (ES) 7/27/10
JULY 27, 2010

At 8:30 p.m. an executive session was convened for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations with Police Chief Michael Reilly (non-union personnel).    Present were Selectmen Story, Bulgaris, Bear, Keller, Walker and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro.    Selectman Bear moved to accept the proposed contract for Chief Reilly, seconded by Selectman Walker and the matter was opened to discussion.   Kostro noted he had been authorized in the spring by the Selectmen to negotiate a new contract with Chief Reilly.   Negotiations included severance pay which was reduced from 12 months to six months, a step salary in the contract which offsets the severance, administrative days to allow flexibility in schedules, indemnification and professional liability furnished by the Town.   Notice of voluntary resignation was increased from 30 days to 60 days.   Compensation and step salaries have been approved by the Personnel Board after researching surrounding towns through the MMA’s salary census.    Administrative days cannot be carried over, the maximum payout at retirement is seven weeks and sick time is not paid on retirement which addressed the board’s concerns about Amesbury’s situation upon the retirement of their Chief and Asst. Chief.    The motion to accept the contract as presented was voted unanimously by roll call vote – Story, yes; Keller, yes; Walker, yes; Bulgaris, yes and  Bear, yes.
It was the decision of the Board to sign the contract at their next scheduled meeting on August 10th.    The executive session was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. and the board reconvened in open session to adjourn the regular BOS meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Sirois
Admin. Asst.