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Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/5/10
OCTOBER 5, 2010

Chairman Story called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag.   In attendance were Selectmen Story, Bear, Bulgaris, Keller, Walker and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro.

Selectman Walker reminded the Board that the meeting on the 12th would be a joint meeting with the Finance Committee to develop policy regarding the FY12 budget and solutions to the anticipated shortfall.     Dale Williams (School Committee) commented that state cuts have facilitated town and school revenue deficits.   Newbury is very lucky to have a town with open space, no traffic jams or big strip malls and if an over ride is needed to support our town the town leadership will need to be an early and unanimous driving force to promote this solution.   He reiterated Kostro’s concerns regarding the impending FY12 deficits, noting that the school budget has also been devastated by state cuts and broken promises.

Kostro advised that this morning’s Finance Committee meeting had been very positive.   Some small changes were made to the STM warrant which he reviewed with Board.   Article 1 is unchanged.   Article 2 was withdrawn and replaced with the Personnel bylaw article.    Article 3 & 4 are the zoning definition changes which are unchanged.   Article 5 is a transfer from the ERRS line item to Town Clerk Wages in the amount of $3,140.   Article 6 will reduce line-items for FY11 in the amount of $85,131.56.    Article 7 is a back up in case needed.    It is expected this article will be withdrawn.   Article 8 is a transfer to cover prior year bills in the amount of $9,055.83.   Article 9 transfers $2K from overlay surplus to the boiler repair fund.    Article 10 transfers $50,625.49 from overlay surplus to clean up prior year deficits.   Kostro noted there are some risks with this warrant but it worth trying.   It is a good plan considering the circumstances.     It was moved by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously to approve the STM warrant as presented and sign it for posting by a Constable.   

Selectman Keller addressed the possibility of town wide acknowledgment of September 11th.    She commented that she felt it was very quiet around town that day.    Selectman Bulgaris noted that Protection Fire Co. #1 blows the fire horn at the time of the air strikes and they ring the big bell outside.     Kostro stated that flags are lowered on all municipal buildings.    Keller felt something was needed to cause our citizens to pause in remembrance of the date.    Chairman Story suggested the Fire Companies be contacted to see what they do and Keller will contact the local churches to see if they might be willing to ring the church bells at a specified time on this date each year.    A reminder can also be posted on the website for the public.

The draft RFP for the Temple Boulevard land sale was reviewed.   Kostro advised that the TOSPD Committee had added a “permanent public access easement” (Page 9, section 6 a&b) as a condition to the sale.    The parcel will be sold “as is” subject to all Federal, State, and Local rules and regulations.    Counsel needs to review the “permanent public access easement” section before the RFP is accepted and signed.    An appraisal will be obtained in order to set the minimum bid price.    The RFP was tabled to the next meeting for approval after Counsel’s review.

The minutes of the September 28th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.

Payroll and vendor warrants were signed for the Administrator.

Selectman Keller updated the board on the TOSPD committee’s organizational meeting.    She noted that Chuck Bear was elected Chair, Dick Passeri Co-Chair, Remley was dropped and replaced by Bob Connors and Evelyn Noyes was added to the committee.    It was moved by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously to accepted these changes and additions.     The committee now consists of Chuck Bear, Dick Passeri, Kathleen Pearson, Audrey Keller, Bob Connors, Evelyn Noyes and Mike Bulgaris (ex-officio as the tie breaker).

Chairman Story noted that he, Tom Nee and Mark Friery had visited with the sponsors that control Economic Development Block Grants to see what qualifies a town for these grants which address improving/revitalizing areas for moderate and low income residents.    Nee and Friery will run with the ball to see if Newbury meets the requirements.    This is a daunting project, Story advised and the board expressed their thanks to Tom and Mark for taking this on.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.